12 февр. 2010 г.

House M.D. 4x11


Season 4, Episode 11

* House: There's something wrong with coma guy's cable.
   Cuddy: He seems fine with it. [And] the budget committee voted to charge for cable in the patient rooms.
   House: Slippery slope. Today we withhold porn, tomorrow it's clean bandages.

* House: Oh, great. I can't get cable, but I can get the South Pole on high-def.

* Patient: We're almost ready to start the test.
   House: Test? Did Ford test the Edsel? Did Coke test New Coke? Did Shakespeare test his final play, Snow Dogs? You think Jagger shows up for the sound check?

* Foreman: Since when do you let patients participate in differentials?
   House: Since the patient and her doctor happen to be the same person.

* Patient: Lots of books. I'm betting all medical.
   House: Only if you count Jenna Jameson's autobiography as a gynecological text.
   Patient: Fiction is a waste of time. Unless you can laugh at it?
   House: I love to laugh.

* House: You don't like people. You hide on that ice cube, so...
   Patient: Stop projecting. You're antisocial, so you assume I'm antisocial?
   House: How about if I just get naked, and you shut up?
   Patient: If I thought I could get you naked, I would have led with that. You'd rather show me your soul than your leg.
   House: Great. You got me all figured out. You going to try and fix me now?
   Patient: I never said you needed fixing.

* Foreman: He's letting her take part in the differentials.
   Wilson: Of course he is. He likes her.
   Foreman: He's annoyed by her, doesn't respect her as a doctor, constantly insults her.
   Wilson: That's House's version of courtship.
   Foreman: Oh, God. He's been wooing me for years.
   Wilson: She's the perfect woman for him. Willing to literally go to the end of the earth for her career, making her unavailable for a real relationship. And she's afflicted with a mysterious illness.

* Patient: You know, I emailed a couple of colleagues at the hospital about you.
   Wilson: You're checking up on me? Not House?
   Patient: Yeah, well House is straightforward, brilliant and an ass.
   Wilson: Two out of three good qualities. Clear majority.
   Patient: Whereas you, on the other hand, have a perfect score. You are responsible, nice, human. And yet, you're House's best friend.
   Wilson: Makes you think he's secretly nicer than he seems?
   Patient: Makes me think that you're secretly a lot less nice than you seem.
   Wilson: Do you always insult your doctors?
   Patient: It's not an insult. Indiscriminate niceness is overrated.
   Wilson: No wonder he likes you.

* Wilson: Is that my wallet?
   House: You can have it back. I've already been through it.
   Wilson: You didn't touch the cash, but you took the receipts?
   House: A hundred and ninety dollar restaurant tab. That's dessert, probably booze. It means you lingered. Means it's at least a third date. Means...

* House: Everyone is miserable. You don't change that because people don't change.
   Patient: You want to believe that because then you're freed from any responsibility for your misery.
   House: Oh, shut up. I get enough of this from Wilson.
   Patient: And yet, you keep hanging out with him. And, from what I hear, you have spent more time with me than with any other patient.
   House: Sorry about that.

* Thirteen: This is insane. I'm not playing.
   House: Right! You should have said this two days ago. Do not play games with me. Number one, you are going to lose. You're just not ready. Number two, the game was to force you to stop playing games. I need you to stand up to me. Challenge me. I need you to stop worrying about getting fired. And go pay for my cable.
   Kutner: No!
   House: I didn't mean on this. Seriously. I need cable.

* House: Forget fat. Think clots.
   Kutner: No!
   House: You're standing up to me?
   Kutner: Maybe.
   House: Just to clarify, you should do that when you're right. Sorry for the confusion.

* Patient 2 her friend: Will you do it?
   House: He drilled a hole in your skull after drinking your pee. I think he's up for this.
   Foreman: Grab the tip of her toe with your right hand. Hold the break with the other. On the count of three, pull hard...

* House: Cutthroat Bitch?!
   Wilson: I call her Amber.

--- Словарик:
withhold — удерживать, задерживать; останавливать
loathe — испытывать отвращение; не любить; ненавидеть, не выносить
courtship — ухаживание (за женщиной)
wooing — ухаживание (за девушкой); соблазнительный, привлекательный
Indiscriminate — неразборчивый; не проводящий различия, огульный; смешанный, беспорядочный
lingered — медлить, мешкать, делать очень медленно; тянуть (время); оттягивать (момент)

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