22 февр. 2010 г.

The Big Bang Theory 3x08

The Adhesive Duck Deficiency

Season 3, Episode 8

* Raj: How much time do we have?
   Leonard: Uh, t-minus five hours, 37 minutes.

* Leonard: Too bad Sheldon couldn't come with us.
   Raj: Oh it's just not the same without him.
  (all laughing)

* Sheldon: Oh, this sucks I'm switching back to Real Sex. Sheldon's log. Stardate 63345.3. While my colleagues are off observing the Leonid meteor shower, I have remained behind to complete my paper on the decays of highly excited massive string states. Although my research is going well I do miss the warmth of human companionship. Hahaha.

* Sheldon: Hello.
   Penny: I slipped in the shower, and I think I dislocated my shoulder.
   Sheldon: Not surprising. You have no safety mat or adhesive stickers to allow not to be slipped on a surface with a low coefficient of static friction.
   Penny: What?
   Sheldon: Tubs are slippery.
   Penny: I know. I slipped.

* Sheldon: I have a series of whimsical duck stickers. On the bottom of my tub.
   Penny: Yeah, okay, whatever. Will you just turn the water off and help me up?
   Sheldon: They're holding umbrellas.
   Penny: What?
   Sheldon: The ducks in my tub.
   Penny: Uh-huh.
   Sheldon: They're whimsical because ducks have neither the need for nor the ability to use umbrellas.

* Raj: If I could speak the language of rabbits, they would be amazed, and I would be their king.
   Leonard: I hate my name. It has "nerd" in it. Len-nerd.
   Howard: I lost my virginity to my cousin Jeanie.
   Raj: I would be kind to my rabbit subjects. At first.
   Leonard: You know what's a cool name? Angelo. That has angel and jell-o in it.
   Howard: It was my Uncle Murray's funeral. We were all back at my Aunt Barbara's house. Our eyes locked over the pickled herring. We never meant for it to happen.
   Raj: One day, I hold a great ball for the President of France, but the rabbits... they hate me and don't come. I am embarrassed, so I eat all the lettuce in the world. And make them watch.
   Leonard: People could call me Angie. (voice a-la Sylvester Stallone) Yo, angie, how's it goin'?
   Howard: To this day, I can't look at pickled herring without being aroused. That is a shame. Oh! Cousin Jeanie.

* Sheldon: While we have a moment, may I ask you a question?
   Penny: What?
   Sheldon: Why do you have the Chinese character for soup tattooed on your right buttock?
   Penny: It's not soup. It's courage.
   Sheldon: No, it isn't. But I suppose it does take courage to demonstrate that kind of commitment to soup.

* Penny: How did you see it? You said you wouldn't look.
   Sheldon: Sorry. As I told you, the hero always peeks.

* Sheldon: "Have you ever been diagnosed with diabetes?"
   Penny: No.
   Sheldon: Kidney disease?
   Penny: No.
   Sheldon: Migraines?
   Penny: Getting one.
   Sheldon: "Are you currently pregnant?"
   Penny: No.
   Sheldon: Are you sure? You look a bit puffy.
   Penny: Change migraine to yes.
   Sheldon: "When was your last menstrual period?"
   Penny: Oh. Next question.
   Sheldon: I'll put, "in progress."

* Penny: Sheldon has to get me into bed. Bet you never thought I'd say that.
   Sheldon: Yes. The charm of your drug addled candor knows no bounds.
   Penny: You know, people think you're this weird robot man who's so annoying all the time, and you totally are. But then it's like that movie Wall-E at the end. You're so full of love, and you can save a plant, and get fat people out of the floaty chairs.
   Sheldon: That's a fairly labored metaphor, but I appreciate the sentiment behind it.

* Penny 2 Sheldon: Sing "Soft Kitty" to me.

--- Словарик:
Adhesive — липкий, клейкий или вязкий материал
Deficiency — отсутствие (чего-л.); нехватка, дефицит
purchase —
whimsical — причудливый, прихотливый; фантастический; капризный; эксцентричный
pickled — солёный, маринованный
herring — селёдка
arouse — возбуждать, волновать; вызывать половое возбуждение
buttock — ягодица
puffy — одутловатый; отёкший; опухший
candor — искренность, откровенность; чистосердечие, прямота; (устар.) чистота, непорочность

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