7 дек. 2022 г.

The System

The Crown 5×2

Queen Elizabeth II: What's that look? I've never seen so many thoughts go on behind someone's eyes.
Prince Philip: Gratitude. Appreciation.
Queen Elizabeth II: What for?
Prince Philip: You make a better person of me.
Queen Elizabeth II: And you of me. Isn't that the point of marriage?

Prince Philip: You know, a long time ago, I lost my favorite sister. Cecile. In an airplane crash. I learned then what grief was. True grief. How it moves through the body. How it inhabits it. How it becomes part of your skin. Your cells. And it makes a home there. A permanent home. But you learn to live with it. And you will be happy again. Though never in the same way as before, but... But that's the point. Hmm? To keep finding... new ways.

Prince Philip: You're not a novice anymore. You're long past the point of thinking of us as a family. That's the mistake people make in the beginning, but you understand, I think, it's a system. And we're all in this system. You, me, the Boss. The cousins, the uncles, the aunts. The lepers. For better or for worse. We're all stuck in it. And we can't just air our grievances and throw bombs in the air as in a normal family, or we end up damaging something much bigger and something much more important. The system.
     So the tip I want to give you is this. I mean, just... just be creative. You can break as many rules as you like. You can do whatever you want. You can make whatever arrangements you need to find your own happiness. As long as you remember the one condition. The one rule. You remain loyal to your husband and loyal to this family in public.
Princess Diana: You mean silent?
Prince Philip: Yes. Don't rock the boat.
Princess Diana: Right.
Prince Philip: Ever. To the grave...

Prince Philip: You're not saying anything.
Princess Diana: I don't think there's anything to say.
Prince Philip: Then I think that's the wisest thing I've ever heard come out of your mouth.

Queen Elizabeth II: Is that the solution, do you think? That husbands and wives should keep secrets from one another?
Prince Philip: Secrets? That's not a very nice word. Queen Elizabeth II: No. Um... No, what I mean is, you know, if people were... well, more considerate, more mature, more... discrete, it can actually be the glue that binds it all together.
You see, I think in a marriage, one should aim to exist without secrets or accommodations.
Prince Philip: Yes, well, that's because you are who you are.
Queen Elizabeth II: And not just because any husband or wife can feel when something is awry, but ultimately, it's not what I know about you or even what you know about me. It's what He knows. About all of us.
Prince Philip: I think He has the night off occasionally.
Queen Elizabeth II: Good night.
Prince Philip: Good night.

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