29 дек. 2022 г.


The Handmaid's Tale 5×2

Janine: Be good and you'll be safe.
Esther: Blessed be the stupid fruit.
Janine: You're gonna get us in trouble.

Commander Lawrence: We both know how it works here. A woman's word never trumps a man.

June Osborn: When is she going to get what she deserves?

Aunt Lydia: Mrs. Waterford. I am so sorry for your loss... And yet, the Lord has made His countenance shine upon you.
Serena Joy Waterford: I'm just grateful to be an instrument in His plan.
Aunt Lydia: Ah. Well, you are a... marvel, Mrs. Waterford.

Esther: We have to do something.
Janine: Anyone who does something ends up dead. Or worse. The smartest thing to do is just... Just follow the rules and stay alive.

Esther: I don't want to get posted.
Janine: Get your Commander to like you, you'll get pregnant faster.
Esther: Do you really think that being pregnant is gonna protect me?
Janine: It's your only protection.

Commander Lawrence: I got them to say yes.
Serena Joy Waterford: How?
Commander Lawrence: By not being a woman.

Esther: Now we're gonna make June proud...

June Osborn: What the fuck?

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