21 дек. 2022 г.

No Woman's Land

The Crown 5×7

Prince William: What religion?
Prince Charles: Church of England. Which you'll one day be head of.

Princess Diana: I remember visiting the Badshee Mosque.
Hasnat Khan: Badshahi.
Princess Diana: Badshahi. And sitting primly on my little cushion. And my gorgeous, chic headscarf which they gave me to wear.
Hasnat Khan: Dupatta.
Princess Diana: Dupatta. And listening to all the imams talking about interfaith harmony, thinking how happy I could be there if I found myself a nice, handsome Pakistani husband...
Hasnat Khan: It's a nice idea in theory. In practice, you might find traditional Pakistani values a little challenging.
Princess Diana: You think the family I married into is any different? I was instructed to dress modestly. speak in a low voice, and walk one pace behind my husband and address him always as "sir." I was discouraged from expressing opinions or having an education. I had to make a vow that I was a virgin before being considered fit to marry him.

Martin Bashir: ... But would they give you control?
Princess Diana: They might not want to, but I'm good at all that.
Martin Bashir: We would definitely give you control. And you'd be protected by the best brand name in the world when it comes to journalistic integrity. The BBC.

Princess Diana: I'm worried you think I'm this... huge thing. This big, glamorous, celestial thing to be scared of.
Hasnat Khan: You are.
Princess Diana: No, I'm not. I'm no one anymore. Really, I'm no one. I have nothing. No real friends, no purpose, no role. No family. You forget I already had a prince. He broke my heart. I'm just looking for a frog to make me happy.

Martin Bashir: There's an Urdu proverb. Jitne muh utni baatein. "The more mouths, the more talk."

Princess Diana: You don't know what it means to me. To be understood. And finally have someone on my side. For so long, I've wanted people to know the truth about what it's been like to be part of this family. The sheer loneliness of it. But... I didn't know who I could tell. Or who I could trust.
Martin Bashir: You can trust me. And I promise I will protect you every step of the way...

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