30 дек. 2022 г.

All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)

Rektor: You stand here on the threshold of existence. Remember this moment. It is a great moment. For in years to come, you will be judged based on what you dared to become today. The iron youth of Germany.
     My friends, we are fortunate to be alive at a great time. Your deeds will be the water nourishing the growth of a strong and noble route.
     I am certain that I will see most of you again soon, here at home. Your sword returned to its scabbard with honour and respect. A cross crafted from iron proudly displayed upon your chest. However, take heed of this. In the darkest of hours, let me assure you it will happen, that prior to an attack, you will harbour doubts. But this is not the time to concede to any mental weakness. Any unsteadiness, any hesitation is a betrayal of the fatherland!
     For modern war is like a game of chess. It is never about an individual soldier. Our only care is for the entirety of the body.
     You have the chance to earn the right to wear the uniforms you have been given. And by going to the front line in Flanders, we'll pierce the enemy. And then you will, in a few short weeks, finally march on Paris!
     Our future, the future of Deutschland, lies in the hands of its greatest generation. My friends, that is you, you see! Therefore, off to the camps for the Kaiser, God, and the fatherland!

Stanislaus Katczinsky: Paul, if we keep up this pace, we won't have conquered France for 180 years. I worked it out.

Stanislaus Katczinsky: How is all this going to work out, hmm? Returning to a home, having to go back to our normal being. Where all everyone wants to know about are the battles we've been in. We'll be like travellers who belong in another country elsewhere. Sometimes I wonder... Would... Would I be happier with you here at camp?

Matthias Erzberger: I stand before you in the hope that you will take our presence here today as an opportunity to take action to suspend all hostilities. In the name of humanity, I'm here asking you for an agreement to an immediate cease-fire for the entire duration of our negotiating time in order to spare our nation's unnecessary depletion.

Tjaden Stackfleet: Oh, dear Paul. I have something to give you...
Paul Bäumer: Is he dead?
Tjaden Stackfleet: You must show braveness. You're alive, remember? For that, you have to be grateful. For us. For those who didn't make it.

General Friedrichs: Comrades. Soon you will be going home to your parents, wives and children. The war is over. After years of sacrifice and suffering, you can now look forward to your reward. To the reward of admiration for all you have achieved here. Ah, but comrades, do you want to be welcomed as soldiers and heroes on your return or as weaklings and cowards who tucked their tails in when it really counted?
     Soldiers. We are about to attack them with the utmost force and vehemence. Latierre belongs in German hands. We will seize the plains before 11:00 a.m. and end this war with a merciless strike... and make them see... we were victorious.
     Onwards, with God on our side as he was with our fathers before us.

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