25 дек. 2022 г.

A Tougher Nut and a Note on File

Young Sheldon 6×7

Georgie: This is nice.
Mandy: Yep. But it's not a date. Just dinner.
Georgie: Right. For two people having a baby.

Adult Sheldon: I was on a mission. All I had to do was turn to the power of the Internet for help. Unfortunately in 1992, that power had a long way to go... I do kind of miss that sound.

Georgie: Well, my meemaw likes to say that every baby brings a little luck.

Georgie: You know, it doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. My mom got pregnant with me before she and my dad got married.
Jim McAllister: So you're gonna marry my daughter?
Georgie: Well, if she'd stop saying "No."

Sheldon: These message boards are so frustrating. You have to post what you're looking for, then hope someone responds, and then hope you see the reply before they sell it to someone named Sucka MC.

Mandy: That's none of your business.
Georgie: Our baby's gonna be their grandkid.
Mandy: So?
Georgie: So we're gonna need free babysitters.
Meemaw: He's got you on that one.

George: So, Jim, your daughter is just lovely.
Jim: Oh, thanks. And, uh, your son seems... brave.
George: Brave, dumb, it's a coin toss.

Mary: Maybe we could have everyone over here for dinner...
George: Mary, when has that ever worked?
Mary: Food is healing, George. You should know.
George: Hey!
Mary: What? I'm just lightening the mood.

Sheldon: So, as you can see on the chart on page 34, the amount of time spent searching for grants would be cut by 80%. Do you see what this could do for the scientific community?
President Hagemeyer: Yes. We could charge an access fee to every university on the planet, and I can retire on a yacht in the Bahamas.
Sheldon: You're missing the point.
President Hagemeyer: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Uh, good for science. I love it. So, our next step is we get legal involved and start drawing up the contracts.
Sheldon: Shouldn't we build a working prototype first to prove it's viable?
President Hagemeyer: Well, do you think it's viable?
Sheldon: I do.
President Hagemeyer: Well, that's good enough for me. I'll call legal.
Sheldon: Wait, what should I do?
President Hagemeyer: Uh... Here's a dollar. Go get yourself a Yoo-hoo on me.

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+ Soundtrack

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