31 авг. 2022 г.

Ricky Gervais: SuperNature (2022)

& Oh, women! Not all women. I mean, the old-fashioned ones. The old-fashioned women. Oh God! You know, the ones with wombs. Oh. Those fucking dinosaurs. No, I love the new women. They're great, aren't they? The new ones we've been seeing lately. The ones with beards and cocks. They're as good as... They're as good as gold. I love them. It's the old-fashioned... And now the old-fashioned, they go,
   "Ooh, they wanna use our toilets!"
   "Why shouldn't they?"
   "For ladies!"
   "They are ladies. Look at their pronouns... What about this person isn't a lady?"
   "Well, his penis."
   "Her penis, you fucking bigot!"
   "What if he rapes me?"
   "What if she rapes you? You fucking TERF whore!"

& But if you're the type of person to revel in someone getting canceled for summat they said ten years ago, you're just ensuring that one day you'll be canceled for summat you said today. You can't predict what'll be offensive in the future.
    You don't know who the dominant mob will be. Like, the worst thing you can say today, get you canceled on Twitter, death threats, the worst thing you can say today is, "Women don't have penises," right? Now, no one saw that coming.
    There are no ten-year-old tweets of people saying... You won't find a ten-year-old tweet of someone saying, "Women don't have penises." Do you know why? We didn't think we fucking had to.

& They're basically saying minorities haven't got a sense of humor, which is so patronizing. And I get that as well, what it's like to be outnumbered. In this country, we're still only 5% Black, 5% Asian, 5% LGBTQ, you know? Tiny numbers. Now, I'm a white, heterosexual multimillionaire, right? Um... There's less than 1% of us. But... do I whine? No!

& I'm like Rosa Parks, know what I mean? I'm like... Except I fought for the right to never have to take a seat on a bus, but...

& I wanna debunk the supernatural. I don't believe in anything supernatural. I believe that anything that exists is by definition part of nature and is explainable, if not now, then eventually.
    Also, SuperNature 'cause nature is super enough, you know? It's... It's amazing that we're even here discussing it.
    We're the only species that allows the universe to understand itself. The chances of us being here at all, the chances of you being you existing now, the chances of that sperm hitting that egg is 400 trillion to one...
    And I think life is like a holiday. We don't exist for 13 and a half billion years, then we have these 80, 90 years if we're lucky, then we die, never to exist again.

& I just think that nature is super enough, you know? I don't think we need angels and unicorns. We've got the fucking octopus. That actually exists. Eight legs, nine brains, three hearts, and a beak.

& I don't worry about being dead 'cause I won't know about it. That is the best thing about being dead. You don't know about it. It's the same as being stupid, right? It's only painful for others, right?

& I don't do anything towards not dying, if you know what I mean. I eat and drink too much every day, have done for 40 years. Day and night, I eat and drink too much. People say to me, "Rick, if you gave up the booze, you'd live an extra ten years." I go, "But they're the last ten years, the shit ten years." I don't want them, right? If I gave up booze now and I made it to 80 and someone said, "You can have an extra ten years," if I could go, "Oh, great, I'll have 20 to 30 again," that'd be perfect, but, no, you gotta have 80 to 90.

& But psychology, psychiatry, neuroscience, it's still in its infancy, and we still know so little about the brain. And 150 years ago, we knew nothing. It was just... It was all guesswork, right? And, uh, like, everything was just mental.
    If you weren't a white, heterosexual, married, Christian man, right, if you deviated too far, "Mental." They just went, "Mental," like that. Homosexuality? "Mental. Mental illness." You were put in an asylum for life, or worse, tortured. Women who fell pregnant out of wedlock, "Mental." Asylum for life, right?
    And now we understand things more. We're more tolerant. We're... I think it's going too far the other way, though, because now nothing's mental. You can't find summat that someone's... Nothing is considered mental.
    Everything is a syndrome or an addiction or a preference, right? I could have my legs removed, have wheels put on, identify as a pram, right... And if you say I'm mental, you're a bigot, right?

& Okay, full disclosure. In real life, of course I support trans rights. I support all human rights, and trans rights are human rights. Live your best life. Use your preferred pronouns. Be the gender that you feel that you are. But meet me halfway, ladies... Lose the cock. That's all I'm saying.

& In fact, I wish self-ID had been around when I was a kid. I'd have used it to get shit. I'd have gone to my mum. "Mum, I'm trans." She'd have gone, "What?" I'd have gone, "I'm either trans or I need a new bike." She'd have gone, "You need a new bike." I'd have gone, "You're the boss." But I, uh... I grew up in the '60s. Jesus.

& I'm not a fan of racism. Um... No, hear me out, right? I... I don't care whether you're Black, white, brown, European, African... You're going, "That's all right, Black, white, brown, European, African. What about the fucking Eskimos?" Racist, right?
    "They're fucking weird, Rick." They are not weird, just different. "They live in the snow." Yeah, that is their little house, the snow. So? "They wear a dead sea lion for their clo..." Yes, that's their clothes. A dead sea lion.
    But here's the thing about racism. You drag one out of his hole in the snow and peel him out of his sea lion outfit, and he's standing there naked, you take a closer look. He's basically a cold Chinaman. So...

& That's another thing. I think whereas people are now trying to be so politically correct, they're trying to out-woke each other, soon someone'll say, "You can't say 'pedo' anymore. It's a derogatory term. It offends people who are child-addicted," right?

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