8 авг. 2022 г.

The Dundies

The Office 2×1

Pam Beasley: You know what they say about a car wreck, where it's so awful you can't look away? The Dundies are like a car wreck that you wanna look away, but you have to stare at it because your boss is making you.

Michael Scott: TMI. TMI, my friends. TMI? Too Much Information. It's just easier to say TMI. I used to say, "Don't go there," but that's lame.

Dwight Schrute: Having a bathroom is a privilege. It is called a ladies' room for a reason, and if you cannot behave like ladies, well, then you are not going to have a bathroom.

Oscar Martinez: The Dundies are kind of like a kid's birthday party. And you go, and there's really nothing for you to do there, but the kid's having a really good time, so you... You're kind of there. That's... That's kind of what it's like.

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+ Soundtrack

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