26 авг. 2022 г.

Give Me Liberty

Outlander 6×5

Brianna Mackenzie: We need you.
Roger Mackenzie: Do ye? Ye're so capable. You're making waterwheels and clay pipes.
Brianna Mackenzie: It's nothing the Romans didn't do.
Roger Mackenzie: Ye're the only one here who knows how to do it. You're bringing indoor plumbing to the Ridge for crying out loud! Ye're amazing to me, Bree.

Flora MacDonald: What is ailing us today is the threat of division, and we've seen it before. We know the symptoms of this disease, and it's not enough for us just to put on a disguise and flee. Peace and unity, that is what is at stake. We have sworn oaths of loyalty to the Crown, and we are proud subjects of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. And if we are to live in peace in this new land... so we must continue to be.

Jamie Fraser: 4th of July, 1776, you said... Well, there's still time.
Claire Fraser: That's the Declaration of Independence. The war starts much sooner.

Lord John Grey: So the rumors are true then? You are for independency.
Jamie Fraser: I must believe there's another way to live, a better way, perhaps.
Lord John Grey: Better? Better than what? If there is a war, the rebels will lose, and you... you may lose your life.
Jamie Fraser: Or gain my freedom. Our freedom.
Lord John Grey: Freedom? Freedom from what? From paying your taxes? From tyranny?

Jamie Fraser: I came here tonight because I believed I'd be among men who understood that, even if they disagreed, men who are not afraid to hear another man's opinion spoken because they prize that freedom and have faith it will serve the greater good in time. But maybe I was wrong to think so. Maybe there is no common decency.
Cornelius Harnett: Common decency, Mr. Fraser?
Jamie Fraser: Aye. If it truly is to be common to all men, it must begin with us. You call yourselves "Sons of Liberty"? Is it liberty when a man is cowed into silence or threatened into submission? Is it liberty if his property is taken from him?

Claire Fraser: So much change in the wind.
Jamie Fraser: When there's war afoot, Sassenach... men take to the roads.

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