24 авг. 2022 г.

The Fire

The Office 2×4

Michael Scott: There are 10 rules of business that you need to learn. Number one: you need to play to win, but you also have to win to play...
Ryan Howard: Got it.
Michael Scott: And I will give you the rest of the 10 at lunch.

Dwight Schrute: Do you wanna die? DO YOU WANNA DIE?!

Michael Scott: Another rule of business is being able to adapt to different situations... Adapt. React. Readapt. Apt. All right? That's rule number two.

Michael Scott: Rule number four: in business image is everything.

Michael Scott: Okay, rule five: safety first, i.e. don't burn the building down. Okay? That should be a no-brainer.

Michael Scott: Oh, look, Ryan is book smart, and I am street smart... and book smart.

Michael Scott: I'll give you the rest of the 10 tomorrow.

+ Quotes on the IMDb
+ Soundtrack

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