31 мая 2022 г.

The Batman (2022)

The Batman: Fear... is a tool.

The Batman: They think I'm hiding in the shadows. But I am the shadows.

Thug: The hell are you supposed to be?
Batman: I'm vengeance.

Penguin: What the hell is this? Good cop, batshit cop?

Selina Kyle: You gonna help me?
Batman: Help you?
Selina Kyle: Yeah. I thought you were "Vengeance..."

Batman: Your friend got involved with the wrong people. ... Maybe you should have explained it to her.
Selina Kyle: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Batman: It means your choices have consequences.
Selina Kyle: Jesus Christ. "Choices"? You know, whoever the hell you are, you obviously grew up rich.

Selina Kyle: All anyone cares about in this place are these white, privileged assholes. The mayor, the commissioner, the DA. Now Thomas and Bruce Wayne. I mean, as far as I'm concerned, that psycho's right to go after these creeps. I think you'd be on his side.

Unseen Arkham Prisoner: What is it they say? "One day you're on top, the next... you're a clown." Well, let me tell you, there are worse things to be.

Unseen Arkham Prisoner: Hey, hey, hey. Don't be sad. You did so well. And you know, Gotham loves a comeback story.
The Riddler: Who are you?
Unseen Arkham Prisoner: Well, that's the question, isn't it? Riddle me this... "The less of them you have, the more one is worth."
The Riddler: ... A friend.

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