2 июн. 2020 г.

The Scent

Grace and Frankie 6×10

Grace: I'm not talking to you.
Frankie: I didn't say anything.
Grace: Well, I just wanted you to know.
Frankie: Duly noted.

Frankie: I knew I'd come up with something. Walden Villas is chockablock with geezers who'd jump at the chance to marry a beautiful woman with all her hair and ten grand.

Joan-Margaret: This is all making me a little uncomfortable, Frankie.
Frankie: That's the beauty of speed dating, baby. Nobody's comfortable.

Mallory: It's Taneth Fairlight from Trust Us Organics, and she wants to talk to Brianna.
Brianna: What? Why? Why? Why me? I'm not the nose pirate.

Mallory: What did you say?
Brianna: Something non-specific, I hope?
Grace: Let's see, um... I'm gonna shove that lawsuit so far up your fucking ass, whoever pulls it out is gonna be crowned King Arthur.
Brianna: We really need to start drinking less.

Joan-Margaret: Don't be down, my love. It was a valiant effort.
Frankie: I just didn't think there would be so many damn squares here. What's with the elderly and respect for the law?

Bruno: Hi. I'm Bruno. I have a hospital bed, one of my original knees, and a Costco tub of off-brand Viagra called Hardicil. What's your name, gorgeous?

Bruno: I-I just can't do this.
Frankie: Oh, what? You want more money?
Bruno: No, it's not the money. It's just that I broke my number one rule.
Joan-Margaret: "Don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
Bruno: That's beautifully put. Where's it from?
Joan-Margaret: I just made it up.
Frankie: That is definitely from Heat.

Grace: I gotta go.
Brianna: What?
Grace: Frankie confused LOL with SOS again, and I've been friends with her long enough to know when she's in trouble.

On the IMDb
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