25 июн. 2020 г.

Dark Waters (2019)

Sarah Barlage Bilott: Law's a jealous mistress, Mom. Means it comes with the territory.

Robert Bilott: What if... What if you drank it?
Dr. Gillespie: Drank it? You don't.
Robert Bilott: But what if you did? ... What if you did?
Dr. Gillespie: That's like saying, "What if I swallowed a tire?" I don't know. You want to be the guy that finds out?

Robert Bilott: Can I please explain?
Sarah Barlage Bilott: Explain what?!
Robert Bilott: All of it. And if-if you still think I'm crazy, I'll drop it. I swear to God. I swear to you.

Robert Bilott: There is a man-made chemical. It was invented during the Manhattan Project. It repelled the elements, especially water. So they used it to make the first ever waterproof coating for tanks. It was indestructible. Then some companies thought, "Hey, why just the battlefield? Why not bring this chemical into American homes?"
     DuPont was one of those companies. So they took this chemical, PFOA, they renamed it C-8, and they made their own impenetrable coating, but not for tanks. For pans. They called it Teflon. A shining symbol of American ingenuity made right here in the USA in Parkersburg, West Virginia.
     But right from the start, something wasn't right. The men and workers who made Teflon were coming down with nausea, fevers. DuPont wanted to know why. So they laced cigarettes with Teflon. They told a group of the workers, "Hey, smoke these." DuPonters did as they were told. Almost all those men were hospitalized. That's 1962, one year after Teflon launched, and already DuPont knew.
     The dust, they just sent right up the smokestacks, released into the air. The sludge, tossed it into the Ohio. Or, uh, packed into drums and-and-and chucked it into the Chesapeake. But then the drums started washing up. So DuPont starts digging ditches on the grounds of the Washington Works plant. And in those pits, they dumped thousands of tons of toxic C-8 sludge and dust. ... But they weren't the only ones covering their tracks. 3M, who-who pioneered these chemicals for Scotchgard, they were testing them on monkeys. Most of the monkeys died. It wasn't like DuPont didn't know that, because they were doing their own tests on rats. Watched their organs balloon. Now the rats are getting cancers. Tested them on pregnant rats and watched them give birth to pups with deformed eyes. So they yanked all the young women off the Teflon line, never told them why. ...
     DuPont knew everything. They knew that the C-8 they put into the air and buried into the ground for decades was causing cancers. They knew that their own workers were getting these cancers. They knew that the consumers, too, were being exposed. And not just in Teflon. In-in paints, in fabrics, in, uh, raincoats, boots. To this day.

Robert Bilott: For 40 years, you knew C-8 was poison. You knew the Happy Pan was a ticking time bomb. And you knew exactly why. Because C-8, it stays in us forever. Our bodies are incapable of breaking it down. And knowing all of this, still you did nothing, because doing something, quote, "would essentially put the long-term viability of this product segment on the line," end quote. You were making too much money. $1 billion a year just in profit, just in Teflon. And so you pumped millions more pounds of toxic C-8 into the air, into the water, so much so you could actually see it foam. C-8 was everywhere.

Robert Bilott: Earl, these... these companies, they have all the money, all the time, and they'll use it. Trust me, I know... I was one of them.
Wilbur Tennant: You're still one of 'em.
Robert Bilott: You-you can't be serious. You-you know what I put on the line here?
Wilbur Tennant: You want a prize? Some medal 'cause,for once in your life, you took the side of the little guy? Sorry, no prize. All you get is your share of this blood money. And you sleep real good tonight.
Robert Bilott: Talk to your family.
Wilbur Tennant: It ain't just my cows that was poisoned. What you think I fed my family on?
Robert Bilott: Wilbur... please! Leave this place! Start over! Give your family a fighting chance!
Wilbur Tennant: Too late for that. We got it, Sandra and me... the cancer. Surprise, surprise.

Sarah Barlage Bilott: Taft... it's not just a job. To him, it's... it's home. And he was willing to risk all that for a stranger who needed his help. Now, you and I may not know what that is... but it's not failure.

Robert Bilott: Doctor, please, can you... would you just please tell me what-what's happened, what's happening, what-what-what-what you've found out?
Dr. Karen Frank: Yes, yes. You gave us an unprecedented amount of data. The largest epidemiological study in human history. It's irrefutable. We have linked sustained exposure to C-8 to six categories of serious illness. Kidney cancer, testicular cancer, thyroid disease, preeclampsia, high cholesterol, ulcerative colitis. 3,535 people in the class already have these diseases. Many more will develop them. Thanks to you, the entire class will be monitored, and those who get sick can seek restitution. You did a good thing here, Mr. Bilott. You did good.

Sarah Barlage Bilott: Rob? What happened? Rob?
Robert Bilott: DuPont, they're reneging.
Sarah Barlage Bilott: Which part?
Robert Bilott: All of it. They're tearing up our agreement, rejecting the science panel. They're-they're gonna... they're gonna... they're gonna fight every claim in court. Thousands of claims. People, sick people, they'll give up. They can't fight DuPont.
Sarah Barlage Bilott: How can they go back o-on...? They-they can't go back on everything.
Robert Bilott: Sarah... Well, they're a titan of industry. I mean, they can do whatever the hell they want. Nothing else matters. They-they can fight you all they want.
Sarah Barlage Bilott: It doesn't take away from what you've done.
Robert Bilott: Of course it does! That's exactly what it does! They want to show the world it's no use fighting. "Look, everybody, even he can't crack the maze, and he helped build it." The system is rigged. They want us to think it'll protect us, but that's a lie. We protect us. We do. Nobody else. Not the companies, not-not the... not the scientists, not the government. Us. A farmer with a 12th-grade education told me that. On day one, he knew, and I... and I thought he was crazy. Isn't that crazy?
Sarah Barlage Bilott: No.

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