26 июн. 2020 г.

Life During Wartime (2009)

Allen: You know how you always said a person should forgive?
Joy: Forgive and forget. Yes.
Allen: Well, so I thought that I should try to be more open.
Joy: Uh-huh.
Allen: 'Cause I've been really trying, Joy.
Joy: Mm-hmm.
Allen: No more cocaine.
Joy: Uh-uh.
Allen: No more crack.
Joy: Uh-uh.
Allen: No more crack cocaine.
Joy: Uh-uh.
Allen: No more hanging around doing nothing without a job.
Joy: Mm-hmm.
Allen: No more sarcastic remarks or physical attacks aimed at my boss.
Joy: Uh-huh.
Allen: No more helping old gang members with burglaries and armed robberies.
Joy: Uh-huh.
Allen: No more getting into fights with strangers, waking up in the gutter.
Joy: Uh-huh.
Allen: Oh, Joy. it's been like a never-ending struggle. And I keep fighting it, but it's just this one thing I can't stop. I'm trying awful hard -

Trish: Have you ever been to Israel?
Harvey: No. No. But it's where I want to be buried.
Trish: Oh, my God. Me too. Me too.

Jacqueline: [My kids] have decided I'm the villain. I'm a monster.
Bill: Why do they think that?
Jacqueline: 'Cause I am a monster.
Bill: People can't help it... if they're monsters.
Jacqueline: They can't be forgiven either.
Bill: Have you asked for forgiveness?
Jacqueline: I'm not a fool. If I were them, I wouldn't forgive me either. In my family, there are only winners and losers.
Bill: And only losers ask for forgiveness.
Jacqueline: Only losers expect to get it.
Bill: The world out there... it can be harsh.
Jacqueline: What the hell do you know about the world out there... that I don't already know... twice over? The enemy's within.

Trish: Harvey, ... well, he's not very attractive. He's older. He's not even that well off. He's divorced. Poor thing had a horrible, horrible wife. But he's Jewish. He's pro-Israel. He did work for Bush and McCain, but only because of Israel. He knows these people are complete idiots otherwise, so don't worry. Basically, he's just a plain, totally family-oriented kind of guy. He's a real mensch.

Trish: My God. Working with those criminals and-and... rapists. I- I don't know, Joy. Don't you ever think about working with - with the victims - good people?
Joy: Not all criminals and rapists are bad, Trish.
Trish: I don't know what your dictionary says, but it's pretty clear in mine. But I'm sorry. I don't mean to criticize. It's your profession, and I totally respect that. It's just- I could never do it. You're a saint. Really.
Joy: Really, it's just a job.

Joy: Still, it must at least be neat going out with Keanu...
Helen: There's nothing neat about it.
Joy: I'm sorry. That was a stupid thing to say.
Helen: It's fucking idiotic!
Joy: You're right.
Helen: I mean, like, we're still a country at war!

Joy: Maybe she could give me some advice.
Helen: Can I give you some advice?
Joy: Oh, please.
Helen: No. Actually, I have no advice for you.

Helen: Oh, God. Please, Joy. I try. I really do. But you and Keanu and everyone... thinks I mock them... that I'm cruel and condescending, that I have no heart. And it's really hard. It's hard on me, because I really do love you. I do. And I know how you didn't come all this way and hunt me down for nothing. You really just want my advice on men and marriage and Allen... and why nothing works out... and you feel like a total loser - the self-disgust, self-loathing. Life has no point, it's over, you're basically dead... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, and you think maybe I have the answer. But, Joy, I'm only human!
Joy: I'm sorry. It's my fault. I shouldn't have-
Helen: No. It's okay. I'm used to that. I can take it. But thanks.

Mark: I'm something of a functionary, but without ambition... or even hope of ambition. I plateaued in grad school, then lost interest... except in maintaining a base salary adequate to financing a low-overhead subsistence.
Trish: Are you seeing anyone?
Mark: No, I'm more focused on China. Everything else is history. It's just a question of time.

Mark: If it's possible to forgive and forget... or to forgive and not forget... when would you forget but not forgive?
Timmy: I think ifs possible someone do-es something... really terrible to you - like, really horrible - something that hurts you so bad, and it's so painful. Maybe then it's better to forget... and live without all that pain... instead of forgiving and remembering.

Bill: I tried to forget. And then I tried to remember. And I couldn't.

Bill: Just keep pretending... like before. If you pretend enough—

Mark: Sure. Forgive and forget. But it's like freedom and democracy. In the end, China will take over, and none of this will matter.

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