19 июн. 2020 г.

Between Two Fires

Outlander 5×2

Lt Knox: These backcountry folk are not much for manners, are they? It's only civility that keeps us all from killing one another.
Jamie: No time for manners when ye've a family to feed.

Jamie: Maybe you should be glad he only spat at us.
Lt Knox: I have to disagree. There's always a need to respect his Majesty's army. Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. We should take what is offered and be thankful it's no worse than it is. Men like you and me offer protection to ensure that it isn't any worse.
Jamie: Appears he doesna share your beliefs in the matter.

Claire: It's bad enough I'm fighting the disease... But I'm also fighting the cure.

Marsali: Should a physician not be more concerned with the living?
Claire: The curse of the living is that they can't tell you the secrets of the dead.
Marsali: And what secrets might those be?
Claire: How to save those who are still here with us. How to perform life-saving surgeries.

Bryan: I ken ye trust him, Murtagh, but I canna say he takes our side.
Murtagh: He's walking between two fires.

Claire: ... With any luck, I'll find the right strain.
Brianna: No, Mama, penicillin isn't invented for another hundred years.
Claire: 157, to be precise.
Brianna: Look, pretending to be someone else and writing lists that go against the accepted wisdom of the day is one thing,but this, it's dangerous. What if it messes with some cosmic balance, or breaks some rule of space and time? Isn't this playing God?
Claire: You know, Bri, .... I change the future every time I save a person's life here, and Jamie, even though he's not a time-traveler, his very presence here has affected the future of a lot of people who aren't breathing anymore, and a few who are, like you... And Jemmy. So time, space, history be damned.

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