17 сент. 2022 г.

Good News About Hell

Severance 1×1

Mark: Who are you?

Helly: Five questions?
Mark: Five questions.
Helly: What do I get at the end?
Mark: Depends on your answers.

Mark: So that's unknown, unknown, Delaware, unknown, unknown... That's a perfect score.

Harmony Cobel: Mark S., at this time I confer upon you the freedom to serve Kier in the advanced role of Macrodata Refinement department chief. Congratulations. Oh, a handshake is available upon request.
Mark: Thank you... May I have a handshake?

Mark: Uh, I understand you're confused about the severance procedure. Before we hop on that, let's chat about something I bet you have heard of, the work/life balance. To start, imagine yourself as a seesaw--

Helly: Am I dead?
Mark: No.
Helly: This isn't, like, hell or something?
Mark: No.
Helly: Then why the fuck can't I leave?

Harmony Cobel: Look, I do sympathize. I've wanted to pummel Mark myself, but I am his employer. And he is your department chief. So we'll both have to be strong.

Mark: Are you mad at me?
Harmony Cobel: For the incompetence or the disobedience?
Mark: Well--
Harmony Cobel: Yes!

Harmony Cobel: You know, my mother was an atheist. She used to say that there was good news and bad news about hell. The good news is, hell is just the product of a morbid human imagination. The bad news is, whatever humans can imagine, they can usually create.

Helly: Do I have a family?
Mark: You'll never know.
Helly: And I have no choice.
Mark: Well, every time you find yourself here, it's because you chose to come back.

Petey: Nothing down there is what they say.

Mark: So, we're friends?
Petey: I'm your best friend. You're my very good friend.

Petey: ... we're not monsters, Mark. Not real ones.

Mrs. Selvig: You know, my mother was a Catholic. She used to say it takes the saints eight hours to bless a sleeping child. I hope you aren't rushing the saints.

Harmony Cobel: Mark... You're good people.

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