11 сент. 2022 г.

Axe and Grind

Better Call Saul 6×6

Jimmy: All right, yeah. I think we, uh... we found the Zodiac Killer.
Dr. Caldera: Well... I'm not keeping my contacts in plain English.
Kim: "Best Quality Vacuum"?

Francesca: I just don't...
Jimmy: Francesca, let's get something straight, okay? We can't be holding a graduate seminar in Constitutional Law every time I give you something to do.
Francesca: But I... Uh, I-I'm not sure I feel...
Jimmy: You know what I'm paying you. It is above market. To whom much is given, much is expected.
Francesca: We're not gonna make a habit of this, right?
Jimmy: Of course not. Absolutely. No, no, no.

Jimmy: So, we're gonna pull the plug, and we are going to live to fight another day.
Kim: What other day?
Jimmy: Um, we'll figure it out. I promise. Okay?

Kim: It happens today.

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