31 окт. 2010 г.

Jonah Hex

& Jonah Hex: War and me took to each other real well. It felt like it had meaning. The feeling of doing what you thought was right. But it wasn't. Folks can believe what they like... but eventually a man's gotta decide if he's gonna do what's right.

& President Grant: Mark my words, gentlemen. The very fate of our nation may rest on the shoulders of Jonah Hex.
{ Bazinga! }

& Some dumbass in a bar: Hey, Hex. What happened to your face?
    Hex: Cut myself shaving. What happened to yours?

& Hex: Dirt likes dead, dead likes dirt. Simple as that.

& Smith: Big plans for the Fourth?
    Hex: Just another day of the week is all it is.

& Hex: Even in death, vengeance is the one thing you can't let go.

& Hex: Located Turnbull. Stop. Sailing out of Independence Harbor. Stop. Destination unknown. Stop. Turnbull has constructed nation-killer weapon. Stop. Going in alone. Send everything you got or thousands will die. Stop.

& A boy: He got a name?
    Hex: Yeah. Horse.

& Grant: Your reward. And full pardon. And I'd also like you to consider this. America needs a sheriff.
    Hex: I don't think countries have sheriffs, exactly. Sir. Though if you get yourself into a jam... I imagine you can find me.

On Imdb.

Jonah Hex

~ Брэд. Комикс. Бред. Комикс. На любителя последнего, короче. Надо take it easy, и everything 'll be fine.

+ [всего] Один час и 10 минут экранного времени — большое достоинство. Плюс, конечно же, Josh Brolin, John Malkovich и Megan Fox.

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