Lost and Found
Season 1, Episode 5
Jane: Men never compliment lipstick. Oh, and Kim got my case. Happy birthday to me!
& Jane: Who's that?
Teri: Your birthday gift... the prisoner you met online. Kidding! That's Michael Fernandez, your pro bono*. I wouldn't mind a conjugal visit with him. He is crazy-sexy-scary.
Jane: You're crazy. He's... just... scary.
& Jane: I lost.
Teri: I know. Pep talk and loser cocktail coming right up.
Jane: I'm almost afraid to ask. What's a loser cocktail?
Teri: Two aspirins inserted into a maraschino cherry, antacid, and seltzer.
Jane: That's disgusting*.
Teri: I know, but you taught me the recipe, and it always does the trick.
Jane: Start the pep talk, please.
Teri: Jane, don't be so hard on yourself.
Jane: Does that usually work?
Teri: Not really.
-- Dict:
pro bono — for the good of; ради общественного блага
conjugal — супружеский; брачный
disgusting — отвратительно
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