7 сент. 2010 г.

Mad Men 2x1

For Those Who Think Young

Season 2, Episode 1

& Peggy Olsen: Sex sells.
    Don Draper: Says who? Just so you know, the people who talk that way think that monkeys can do this. And they take all this monkey crap and just stick it in a briefcase, completely unaware that their success depends on something more than their shoe shine. You are the product. You, feeling something. That's what sells. Not them. Not sex. They can't do what we do. And they hate us for it.

& Herman 'Duck' Phillips: Got a second?
    Roger Sterling: Nothing good ever started with that sentence.

& Don: I'm gonna ask you a question that was always asked of me when I was on job interviews. Have you ever been fired?

& Don's physicians: All right, I'm gonna write you some reserpine to bring that down and some Phenobarbital to help you relax. You're 36 years old. You need to take this seriously.

& Joan Holloway: Theresa said there was an incident yesterday. You were crying in the break room, which I have specifically forbidden.
    Lois: I'm sorry, but Peggy...
    Joan: Miss Olsen.
    Lois: She yelled at me. Why would she do that? I'm good at my job.
    Joan: The next time that you come to complain...
    Lois: I wasn't complaining!
    Joan: You wanted to talk to me. This is why I don't allow crying in the break room. It erodes morale. There's a place to do that, like your apartment. It came over me. And I would correct your attitude towards Miss Olsen. It's unbecoming.

& Don 2 some stranger in an elevator: Take your hat off.

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Mad Men: Season Two

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