3 сент. 2010 г.

Jeeves and Wooster 2x5

The Mysterious Stranger
(or, Kidnapped)

Season 2, Episode 5

& Jeeves: The rigours* and responsibilities of the post, sir?
    Wooster: Partly, but mostly the fact that every wine merchant within gargling* distance of the metropolis is so keen to get the Drones' order that cases of their most treasured vintage go astray* and end up at the chairman's private residence.
    Jeeves: The ways of commerce are exceedingly odd, sir.

& Wooster: Miss Stoker's got a bit of a problem, Jeeves.
    Jeeves: I'm sorry to hear that, miss.
    Wooster: Some fella keeps following her around.
    Jeeves: Much as one might disapprove of such a course of action by a gentleman, one is scarcely surprised.
    Pauline: Why, Jeeves, you old smoothie*.

& Jeeves: Mr Stoker was enquiring* after you at the hall.
    Pauline: Oh, lordy, you didn't tell him I was with old sweet cheeks here?
    Jeeves: When he saw me, miss, he leapt* to that conclusion himself.
    Pauline: Was he cross*?
    Jeeves: I could not say. A dark hue* suffused his cheek and he attempted to kick a passing cat.

& Wooster: I suppose one ought to be prepared for one's past to return now and again, strike one a nasty blow on the mazard*.
    Jeeves: Indeed, sir. Our least deed, like the young of the land crab, wends its way to the sea of cause and effect as soon as born.
    Wooster: Oh, quite, but it hardly seems fair that it should also strike the mazards of one's chums*.

& Wooster: ... What a damned silly idea, Jeeves. The girl must be cuckoo.
    Jeeves: Feminine psychology is admittedly odd, sir. The poet Pope...
    Wooster: Never mind about the poet Pope!
    Jeeves: No, sir.
    Wooster: There are times one wants to hear about the poet Pope and times one doesn't.
    Jeeves: Very true, sir.

& Wooster: Jeeves, I find it hard to believe that you thought it worth your while to get half the members of the Drones into the dock to ease my way onto the dining committee.
    Jeeves: The methods were perforce draconian, sir, but the stakes were high. The diminution* in the wine bill each month.

-- Dict:
rigours — суровость
gargling — полощущий горло
astrary — off the right path or way; in error
smoothie — льстец; галантный кавалер; вежливый человек
enquiring — пытливый; вопрошающий
leapt — вскочил
cross — раздраженный
hue — оттенок; цвет
mazard — face
chums — приятель; закадычный друг
diminution — уменьшение; сокращение

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