15 июл. 2010 г.

House M.D. 6x20


Season 6, Episode 20

& Dr. Nolan: Really? It's unusual for you to spend time with a patient, isn't it?
    House: Patients are boring... As people. This one I'm sure was no exception, but her situation was interesting. Besides, I was still avoiding Wilson.

& Dr. Nolan: So on some level, you were in that bar looking for someone to hurt you. Logically, people punish themselves for something they did or something they didn't do. So what... did you screw up?
    House: I don't know.

& Alvie: I didn't know there was a section of the brain just for hope.
    House: It's very, very tiny.

& Dr. Nolan: You're the one who said the thing... something about relationships... made you go out and provoke a fight.
    House: Wilson and Sam have a relationship.
    Dr. Nolan: You're not thrilled* about it.
    House: They're happy. Why should I screw that up? Everyone's happy. Everyone's moving in together... Wilson and Sam, Cuddy and Lucas... Even Alvie's...

& House 2 Dr. Nolan: To hell with this. When I first came to you, I told you that I wanted to be happy, and I followed your advice. And instead, I'm just miserable. How is this working for me? For a year, I've done everything you've asked, and everybody else is happy. I run on my treadmill. You just sit there and watch. You're a faith healer. You take advantage of people who want to believe. But there's nothing in your bag of tricks. Whatever the answer is, you don't have it.

-- Dict:
thrilled — взволнованный; заинтригованный

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~ Невразумительные какие-то эпизоды "сегодня" случились. В Хаузе готовят к финалу, это понятно. А вот в АйТи просто... не о чем разговаривать.

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