The Down Low
Season 6, Episode 10
House: Understandable, since he's a drug dealer.
13: So he's dangerous and withholding*, which you find irresistible.
Foreman: He actually said he was a drug dealer?
House: Not out loud. But he was wearing a solid gold Patek Philippe. His friend had a Rolex. But their phones were prepaid burners, so they can toss 'em as soon as they're done.
& Nora: So if you have any more questions about the neighborhood, I'm your girl.
Wilson: Favorite sushi place. Maybe we could get dinner sometime.
Nora: Sure... If you promise to bring that good-looking guy with the cane.
Wilson: You mean House?
Nora: Your boyfriend's name is 'house'?
Wilson: He's not my boyfriend.
Nora: I'm sorry. What do you call each other? Husband? Partner? Lover?
& Foreman: 13's middle name is Beauregard?
Taub: That's what sticks out to you?
Foreman: House is clearly screwing with us. It's a fake paystub.
Taub: Looks real to me.
Foreman: She don't make that much money.
Taub: I make that much money. And... apparently, you don't.
& Wilson: Everyone in our building thinks we're gay.
House: We're grown men over the age of 30 who moved in together. We're two tigers* away from an act in Vegas. They'll figure out we're straight eventually.
Wilson: Eventually is not when I want to go out with the cute girl in 3-B. If only there was some way to communicate that information to her.
House: Perhaps using, I don't know, sounds.
& Foreman: I know that you're paying me less than everyone else on the team.
Cuddy: I can't discuss other people's salaries. You know that.
Foreman: Now that they know, they'll never respect me.
Cuddy: And who told them how much you make?
Foreman: It's not fair for me to make less than the people I supervise.
Cuddy: Salary isn't about fairness. It's about what you can leverage in negotiation. Which isn't much without a competing offer on the table. And we both know you don't have one.
& House 2 Nora: Nice to meet you. I hear you thought that Wilson and I liked to polish each other's swords. And by swords, I mean pistols.
& House: I got it all figured out. Nora and I spend the next few weeks hanging out, become best girlfriends. I confide in her about our issues.
Wilson: I can't decide if this plan is more despicable* or illogical.
House: Then, one night, we get drunk... Back rub* turns into a front rub... The next morning, "I've never felt this way about a woman before."
Wilson: That's... quite a commitment you've made to jumping the girl I'd like to date.
House: I'd like to date her. In the sense that I'd like to jump her repeatedly.
Wilson: I saw her first.
House: Seriously? You're invoking the guy code?
Wilson: We're guys. It's a code.
House: You're only bringing this up 'cause you know you're gonna lose.
& Wilson: She's never gonna fall for it.
House: Then, you got nothing to worry about, sweetie.
& Nora: It's 2010, I mean... You know, nobody cares if you're gay anymore. You don't have to be in the closet.
Wilson: I'm not... Look around you. Does this really look like a place gay men live? Those stools are our only furniture. There are no window treatments.
Nora: Well, my ex-boyfriend didn't even know what window treatments were. Is that Greg's Carpenters album or yours?
Wilson: Look, House hates musicals and fashion and meringue. This whole thing is an act designed to earn your trust... In order to sleep with you.
Nora: I get it.
Wilson: Finally!
Nora: You're jealous.
& 13: He may not last 24 hours.
House: And the moron still won't talk.
Taub: Bad guy — cool, good guy — moron?
House: Pretty much.
Chase: Guy's a hero. He's risking his life to put these dealers in jail.
House: I'm sure the dealers who take their places will be very grateful.
& House: The jealousy is... Killing me.
Nora: Well... He clearly cares about you.
House: I'm so tired of... The whole silence and the resentment. I don't know if I can go back there tonight. I need some time.
Nora: Come stay at my place. {...}
Wilson: House.
House: What are you doing here?
Wilson: I'm here because... Nothing you can say is going to change anything. I love this man. And I am not wasting another moment of my life denying that. Gregory House... Will you marry me?
House: Wow. This is unexpected.
Nora: Say yes! I'm gonna go.
House: No... no, no, no.
Nora: You two obviously have some talking to do.
& Nora: So you were only spending time with me to screw with him?
House: God, no. I was spending time with you because I want to touch your boobs. Enough to listen to Evita
& Wilson: I'm sorry about your patient.
House: He died a hero in his own mind. Guess it's better than nothing.
& Wilson: Ran into Nora in the elevator. She no longer thinks we're gay. Now she thinks we're mendacious* dirt bags.
House: Mendacious dirt bag comes much more naturally to me.
-- Dict:
withholding — удержание
tigers — задира; хулиган
despicable — презренный; подлый
rub — тереться; снашиваться
mendacious — лживый
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