Do Over
Season 1, Episode 2
Judge: I understand what a continuance* is, Ms. Bingum. What I don't understand is why you're asking for one.
Jane: Well, first of all, I need time to prepare...
Judge: Prepare? What's to prepare? It's like giving birth.
& Jane: Honestly I really need a mental health day. ......
Judge (later): "Mental health day." I'd like a mental health month... Maybe a year... Somewhere in the islands, string bikini, a thong*... a guy named Wong*.
& Jane: What, you've never had a crush?
Fred: U- up there, all I meet are dead people.
Jane: Well, forget it, okay? Stacy's out of your league. You'll be setting yourself up for a world of hurt.
Fred: No, no. Y- you don't understand. I- I look at this... Stacy... and I- I can't help it. I want to... I want to do her grocery shopping. I want to... I want to reroof her house. I want to hunt animals and... bring her the meat.
Jane: Okay, I don't have time for this, Fred. But I'm telling you... It's never gonna happen. So just... keep your meat to yourself.
-- Dict:
continuance — отсрочка; продолжительность
thong — ремень; плеть
Wong — A particularly lascivious* bastard
lascivious — похотливый; блудливый; сладострастный
+ On Imdb.
~ Невразумительные какие-то эпизоды "сегодня" случились. В Хаузе готовят к финалу, это понятно. А вот в АйТи просто... не о чем разговаривать.
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