30 окт. 2009 г.

My Name Is Earl 1x14

Monkeys in Space

Season 1, Episode 14

* Randy: I'm gonna get a job.
   Earl: Really?
   Randy: Yeah. I want you to be able to do the things on your list. And, you know, who knows, maybe it is time for me to find my purpose.
   Earl: I think that's a really good idea, Randy. A purpose is a great thing to have. It gives you a reason to wake up every morning.
   Randy: So a purpose is like a box of powdered doughnut holes?
   Earl: Exactly.

* Darnell: Hey, Randy, if you're lookin' for a job, we need a busboy. The old guy took a bad spill in the men's room.
   Randy: Thanks, Darnell, but I was gonna try and find a job where I wouldn't slip in pee-pee.

* Earl: So, how was your first day?
   Randy: Fine, I guess. I made some money. And who knows, maybe this is my purpose in life.
   I am helpin' people. They can't eat if other people's plates are still on their table. I mean, they can, but it would be crowded and kinda gross.
   Hey. Maybe my purpose in life is to make things less crowded and less gross.

--- Словарик:
busboy — помощник официанта (убирающий грязную посуду со стола и т. п.)

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