10 окт. 2009 г.

House M.D. 3x12

One Day, One Room

Season 3, Episode 12

* House: How can I help you this beautiful morning?

* Cuddy: How can we make this more interesting for you?
   House: How can we make the sky green? How can we make the tall short? You cannot make the uninteresting interesting.
   Cuddy: I'll pay you 10 dollars for every patient you diagnose without touching. You pay me 10 dollars for every one you have to touch.
   House: You're making this into a game for me. From which I can only conclude this isn't a game for you.
   Cuddy: No.
   House: Why? You think if I deal with enough people I'll find some humanity?

* House: Statistically, there was always a chance this could happen. The fact that it did happen doesn't change anything. The world doesn't suck any more today than it did yesterday.
   Patient: I know all that.
   House: Well, then what do you want me to tell you?
   Patient: Nothing. I just want to talk.
   House: About nothing. If we talk about nothing, nothing will change.
   Patient: It might.
   House: How?
   Patient: Time. Time changes everything.
   House: That's what people say. It's not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were.

* Patient: Your story, is it true?
   House: True for somebody.
   Patient: But not for you.
   House: These things happen. It happened to somebody. What do you care if it happened to me?
   Patient: They're not in this room.
   House: No, they're out there! Doctors, lawyers, postal workers... Some of them doing great, some of them doing lousy. You gonna base your whole life on who you got stuck in a room with?
   Patient: I'm gonna base this moment on who I'm stuck in a room with. It's what life is. It's a series of rooms. And who we get stuck in those rooms with adds up to what our lives are.

* House: We are selfish, base animals crawling across the earth, and because we've got brains, if we try real hard, we can occasionally aspire to something that is less than pure evil.

* House: There's no wrong answer. Because there's no right answer.
Wrong. We just don't know what the right answer is.

* House: Are you okay? I mean, I know you're not okay. But are you more or less not okay than you were five minutes ago?

* House: Life goes on.
   Patient: Is that the reason why we're out here?
   House: Know why I come here? I sit. I watch. I imagine.
   Patient: Sounds nice.
   House: I imagine that one of them will break a leg. Just one false step, one crack in the sidewalk...
   Patient: You don't really.
   House: I'm evil.
   Patient: Evil people don't say they're evil.
   House: That sounds like an easy loophole.
   People can do good things, but their instincts are not good.
Either God doesn't exist or he's unimaginably cruel. Why do you think this happened?
   Patient: You know, I don't think there was a reason.
   House: So God does exist, lets you get raped, needs you to keep your rape baby for no reason.
   Patient: Maybe he was challenging me.
   House: He hurts you to help you. Well, I guess it's better than because he hates you.
   Patient: Why would you even say something like that?
   House: Because you're throwing your life away.
   Patient: I'm doing what I believe!
   House: What you believe doesn't make sense.
   Patient: This is not helping me.
   House: Then I can't help you. If you believe in eternity, then life is irrelevant. The same way that a bug is irrelevant in comparison to the universe.
   If you don't believe in eternity, then what you do here is irrelevant.
   Your actions here are all that matters.

* Wilson: You gonna follow up with her?
   House: One day, one room.

--- Словарик:
aspire — (to, after, at) стремиться, домогаться
loophole — лазейка; увёртка

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! Экзистенциальная получилась серия.
!! А Хауз получился единственный из всех врачей, кто оказался человечнее всех прочих к пациентке... Шит хеппенз? Правда, Кэмерон проходила свой собственный и аналогичный тикун.

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