Act Your Age
Season 3, Episode 19
* House 2 Cuddy: Stop. Don't move. The way the soft evening light catches your eyes. The gentle caress of dusk on your hair as you turn around and leave my office without giving me that file.
* House: You want the tickets or not?
Wilson: Why don't you want to go with me?
House: It's a play. Dudes only go to plays if they're dragged by women they're hoping to see naked.
Wilson: So, why are you giving them to me?
House: Maybe there's someone you wanna see naked.
* Cameron: We can't do a vaginal exam on a six-year-old without the dad's consent.
Chase: And if he's abusing her, he'll never say yes.
House: "Never" is just "reven" spelled backwards.
* House: You guys are idiots.
Cameron: Why? Because we stayed up all night doing exactly what you told us to do?
House: No, because you stayed up all night doing exactly what I told you to do and have nothing to show for it.
Foreman: We eliminated dozens of wrong answers.
House: I asked you what two plus two equals and a day later you tell me, "Not 25."
Chase: Pathology report just got filed. They found granulomas in Lucy's pericardium. Indicates a fungal infection.
House: Nice work.
Cameron: He went home.
House: Work smart, not hard.
* Wilson: She sent me flowers. How do I do this? What do I say?
House: Cameron would tell you to say how you feel. Me? I'd get her drunk.
Wilson: I'm not gonna say anything. I'm just gonna walk into her office and I'm gonna kiss her.
House: That's a bold move. Cuddy likes bold.
Wilson: Yeah, you're right, if you spoke, you'd just say something stupid. Yeah, I mean I'll either get a girlfriend or get fired.
* Cuddy: I don't get the whole May-December thing.
House: Give him a break. May-October at worst.
Cuddy: Well, why can't it be October-October?
House: May is when things start to get hot.
Cuddy: If that guy wasn't trying so hard to keep up with a woman half his age, he wouldn't have almost killed both his kids.
House: Guy gets a little something-something, couple of kids have to die... Circle of life.
Cuddy: So many people, so much energy and drama just trying to find someone who's almost never the right person anyway. It just shouldn't be so hard.
House: I got tickets to a play.
--- Словарик:
caress — ласкать; гладить
revenant — выходец с того света; привидение, призрак
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