20 окт. 2009 г.

Heroes 4x06

Tabula Rasa

Heroes Season 4 Chapter Six

* Samuel: A broken vessel. An empty shell. What is a man without mind, without memory? A ghost? A body in search of a soul?
   With no compass to guide us, how can we know if our destiny is to seek the good... Or obey the demons that whisper in our ear?
   The blank slate hungers to be written upon. The body thrives when the heart has a mission.

* Samuel: Take a deep breath. What's the first name that pops into your head?
   Sylar: Call me Nathan.

* Samuel 2 Sylar: Are you ready to know the truth?

* Hiro: It's all so beautiful. There are no bad powers, Emma. You just have to understand them. And when you do, you will learn to use your powers to do good things in the world.

* Emma: You need to stop using your power before it kills you.
   Hiro: But my power isn't killing me. It keeps me alive. When I was stuck in my cubicle every day wasting my life, that's when I was dying.
   Emma: How can you be so focused helping others, knowing what it might cost?
   Hiro: I had a friend once. She knew she was dying, but that didn't push her off her path. She told me to keep joy and dignity alive, even in the face of death.

-- Словарик:
Tabula Rasa — «чистая доска»; нечто чистое, нетронутое
vessel — сосуд, посудина
slate — грифельная доска
dignity — чувство собственного достоинства

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