10 сент. 2009 г.

Observe and Report

* Ronnie Barnhardt: Are you okay, Brandi?
   Brandi: Physically, yes. Psychologically, no!

* Ronnie: Charles, your position is that of a student.
   Charles: Are we gonna be getting paid extra for this? Because it seems like this is completely separate from...
   Ronnie: Let me ask you something. How much did they get paid to storm Normandy? How much did King Arthur get paid to kill Merlin? How much did they get paid to invent television? Nothing. They did it because they knew it was right.

* Ronnie: Why did Dad leave?
   Ronnie's Mom: Well... he kind of freaked out when you were born. I mean, you had so many special needs... and he just couldn't handle the pressure. One day, he just couldn't take it anymore.
   Ronnie: Do you think it was my fault that Dad left?
   Ronnie's Mom: Definitely.

* Brandi: Oh, God, I hate that shit.
   Brandi: Me too. I fucking hate it.
   Ronnie: I mean, I just listen to bitching all day long. I, like, do makeup on these fat-ass women. And you know what? My mom always said, "You can polish a turd, but it's still a piece of shit."

* Psychologist: Why do you wanna become a police officer?
   Ronnie: That's the big question, now, isn't it? I have a dream... most nights.
   It starts on a playground. And there's kids, you know, swinging, and they're laughing. There are dogs barking, butterflies just flapping their little wings. And then you hear a rumbling... and over the horizon comes a black cloud... and it's made of cancer... and pus.
   It starts sweeping over the playground. And everyone starts screaming and clawing their eyes... and pulling at their hair, and saying, "Help! What do we do?" And you know what happens next?
   Out steps me... wielding the biggest fucking shotgun you've ever seen in your life. And you know what I do? I blow every fucking thing away. And I am getting God's work done.
   When it's all over and the dust has settled, the whole world gathers below me... and they say, "Thank you, Ronnie, thank you for helping... being a great man and doing this for us."
   And you know what I say? "You don't need to thank me. I'm just a guy with a gun. I'm just a cop."

* Ronnie: I gotta... I have to thank you, man, you know, like... I felt like shit this morning, and now... You've shown me I don't need to take things so seriously.
   Dennis: Don't take it serious.
   Ronnie: We got a fucking meaningless existence.
   Dennis: That is... Sometimes it don't mean shit.
   Ronnie: Who cares though, right?
   Dennis: Who cares? Oh, man. It doesn't matter.

* Ronnie's Mom: What's on the agenda for today?
   Ronnie: I don't know. Maybe look for a job or something.
   Ronnie's Mom: I know it's hard... but try to look on the bright side. You may not be the smartest person in the world... but you're... handsome from certain angles... and you're... More importantly... you've got dreams inside of you... and dreams make you special. And no matter what the world, um... throws at you, uh, they... It can never take your dreams away.
   Ronnie: What are you talking about, Mom?
   Ronnie's Mom: I don't know, I'm drunk. I just know mothers are supposed to say stuff like that... to their children when they're sad. And so I tried.

--- Словарик:
freaked out — терять самообладание; беситься; превращаться в невменяемого
bitching — жаловаться, ворчать, скулить
turd — экскремент; дерьмо (о человеке); подонок, мразь
pus — гной

6.5/10 на Imdb (> 10,000 голосов по состоянию на 9/9/9) могу объяснить лишь тем свойством человеческой натуры, которое способствует улучшению настроения человека, вступившего во что-то неприятное, когда в это что-то вступит кто-нибудь еще.

( 1.5 часа убитого времени.
+ А с другой стороны — остаток-то вышел вполне себе приличный. Может, оно того и стоило. Но другим — не рекомендую.

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