Season 3, Episode 1
* Cuddy: You ran here?
House: It's just eight miles.
Wilson: Why did you...
House: Why does a dog lick its workplace-acceptable euphemism for testicles? Because he can.
* House: You want something. I want something. We compromise. It's the grownup way to resolve our differences.
Cuddy: There already is a mechanism for that, it's called the employer-employee relationship. I get what I want, and you don't.
* Wilson: The first level of happiness...
The fifth level of happiness involves creation, changing lives.
House: The sixth level is heroin. The seventh level is you going away.
* Wilson: I heard you were watching surgery with a patient's family, talking to a patient's family. It's because of your hallucination, isn't it? After you were shot.
You chose life. You decided you wanted meaning, so you took a case with no mystery, something any doctor could do, a case with no upside except the satisfaction of helping another human being.
House: She thanked me.
Wilson: And you felt nothing.
House: I wasn't sure what I was supposed to feel.
Wilson: It's like your leg. It's atrophied. Keep working it. The feeling will come.
* House: Abdominal pain plus all that stuff could equal a pancreatic cyst.
Cameron: Perfect. You managed to pick the one symptom he never had, abdominal pain.
House: It's the first symptom on the board, "grunt."
Cameron: Grunting isn't pathognomonic for abdominal pain.
House: No, the traditional diagnostic marker is compression of the diaphragm, vibration of the larynx, leading to the audible sound, "I have a pain in my abdomen."
* House: Inject him with cortisol. The guy will have sex with his wife again. He'll hug his kid again. Hopefully, that's the combination he was using. It'd be a shame if I had cured a pedophile.
* Cuddy: I have to tell him. He was right.
Wilson: Why did you do it? Why did you think he might be right?
Cuddy: Because he's House.
Wilson: Medically, what made you think he was right?
Cuddy: Nothing.
Wilson: He got lucky. That's all that happened. Telling him no was a good thing because next time, he won't get lucky. He'll kill someone. Just because he was right doesn't mean he wasn't wrong.
Cuddy: I see him every day. I can't just...
Wilson: Everybody lies.
--- Словарик:
Abdominal — брюшной
grunt — хрюканье; ворчание; бормотать
larynx — гортань
abdomen — (анат.) живот; брюшная полость
Ached — болеть, испытывать боль
cramping — защемление, заклинивание, заедание
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