25 сент. 2009 г.

House M.D. 3x04

Lines in the Sand

Season 3, Episode 4

* House: For the love of God, can't somebody shut that kid up? People are trying to work around here. Why don't you show him a teddy bear or something?
   Patient's Mom: Who are you?
   House: Somebody you'll never send a gift to.

* Cameron: So, it's wrong to feel sorry for this little boy?
   House: Why would you feel sorry for someone who gets to opt out of the inane courteous formalities, which are utterly meaningless, insincere, and therefore, degrading?
   This kid doesn't have to pretend to be interested in your back pain, or your excretions, or your grandma's itchy place. Can you imagine how liberating it would be to live a life free of all the mind-numbing social niceties?
   I don't pity this kid. I envy him.

* Cuddy: House, this isn't a game.
   House: If I leave her alone, can I have my carpet back?
   Cuddy: No.
   House: If I forget about my carpet can I have her?

* House: Thought you wouldn't mind sharing offices for a while.
   Wilson: You share stories, feelings, toys, you don't share offices.
   House: That is so not Zen.

* Cameron: Hope is all those parents have going for them.
   House: No, hope is what's making them miserable.
   What they should do is get a cocker spaniel. A dog would look them in the eye, wag his tail when he's happy, lick their face, show them love.

* House: Come on in, brothers and sister, welcome to the house of the Lord!
   Cameron: House, come on. The Chapel?
   House: We have been blessed with the miracle of a new symptom. Brother, can you testify as to why this poor child's eyeball rolled back into his head?

* Wilson: "Asperger Syndrome is a mild and rare form of autism. It is typically characterized by difficulty establishing friendships, and playing with peers, trouble accepting conventional social rules, and they dislike any change in setting or routine."
   Or broadloom. It doesn't say that last part, but you get my point.
   Cuddy: House doesn't have Asperger's. The diagnosis is much simpler, he's a jerk.

* Wilson 2 House: You're not autistic. You don't even have Asperger's. You wish you did.
   That would exempt you from the rules, give you freedom, absolve you of responsibility, let you date 17-year-olds.
   But most important, it would mean that you're not just a jerk.
   House: At what point does a person endlessly lecturing someone make him a jerk?

* Cameron: All change is bad? It's not true, you know.

--- Словарик:
opt out — отказаться от участия в чём-л.; устраниться; выйти из игры
inane — глупый, пустой; бессодержательный, бессмысленный
courteous — вежливый, учтивый, любезный, обходительный
numb — онемелый, оцепенелый
brim — наполняться до краёв
unbridled — разнузданный, необузданный, неукротимый
jerk — (амер. разг.) тупица, ничтожество; дрянь, подонок

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