3 сент. 2009 г.

House M.D. 2x22


Season 2, Episode 22

* House 2 Foreman&Cameron: Where are you going?
   Foreman&Cameron: To put her in a pheno coma.
   House: What if I'm wrong? What if Daddy's the drunk?
   Cameron: Do you want us to give her the pheno or not?
   House: I want him to argue his point.
   Foreman: I assume you considered the father and ruled him out.
   House: What's that saying? When you assume, you become a pain in the ass to me.
   Foreman: Why should I argue? You'd just overrule me.
   House: Enough! Get a pony or a watermelon farm.
   Cameron: House?!
   House: I need him to react. I need him to act like a human being. I need him to get over this boring near-death rebirth.
   Foreman: I have changed. That's not something you get over.
   House: Nearly dying changes everything forever. For about two months. Two months is too long. I need the guy I hired back. Now!

* House: You desperately want this to be a date.
   Wilson: Because the alternative is cancer.
   House: Just admit that you like her.
   Wilson: She's smart, funny, got a zesty bod.
   House: I think it's great you can look beyond the fact she's the devil.
   Wilson: I stole a spoon. You stole her garbage.
   House: She's my boss. If she gets sick, the hospital might replace her, especially if she dies. I'd have to learn how to manipulate someone new.

* House: Tonight. L Word marathon.
   Wilson: You watch The L Word?
   House: On mute.

* House: How are you doing? You look great.
   Foreman: Thanks. I feel great.
   House: Glad you're back. Cameron makes lousy coffee. I take mine black, the way I take my brain-damaged neurologists.
   Foreman: Happy to help.

* Cameron: How are you coming along?
   House: Tell her everything's great. Neither of us wants to deal with her guilt.
   Cameron: I don't feel guilty.
   House: Of course not. Hell, if people felt guilt every time they accidentally lobotomized a guy...
   Cameron: I was trying to save his life.
   House: Yeah. Your heart was in the right place. It's just his brain that's not quite where it's supposed to be.

* House 2 Chase: Do a digital subtraction angiogram. Foreman can't tell up from down, Cameron's a girl. All that mechanical stuff...

* House: You're late.
   Cuddy: And you are in my locked office. Again.
   House: What you got there? Special panties for your date with Wilson?
   Cuddy: It's not a date. And it's none of your business.
   House: If it's not a date, it is business. And if it was business, you wouldn't say it was none of my business.

* House: Hiding booze is a classic alcoholic behavior. That'd explain the bleeding.
   Foreman: What bleeding?
   House: You don't remember? She bled all over you this morning. Kidding. Idiots are fun. No wonder every village wants one.

* House: The thing about being a good loser, you're still a loser.

* House: Bad news. Estrogen is too high.
   Cuddy: No matter how many people you tell otherwise, I am and always have been a woman. Estrogen is normal.
   House: Not this much. Not for, at least, another week. That's when you ovulate.
   Cuddy: You monitor my periods based on when I get bitchy or...
   House: Once a month, when you leave the kids' cancer ward, your eyes glisten. And about three days later, you break your ban on sugar and chow down a bucket of frozen yogurt in the cafeteria. Sprinkles included.
   Based on the last yogurt sighting, you've got another week before you ovulate.
   You're on fertility meds.

* Patient: I killed my son.
   House: Is it my turn to say something obvious now? Oh, I know. You were insane.

* House: You do not deserve to die.
   Patient: Maybe. I don't want to live.

--- Словарик:
overrule — брать верх; пересиливать
zesty — острый, пикантный; живой, оживлённый
bod — парень, личность
glisten — блестеть, сверкать; искриться; сиять
ban — запрет, запрещение

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