2 сент. 2023 г.

The Rapture of Being Alive

Beef 1×2

Amy Lau: Honey, you shouldn't be cleaning up another man's piss.
George Nakai: You never know what someone's going through in life. Might be bladder issues.
Amy Lau: What?
George Nakai: Why else would he urinate on the floor?

Danny Cho: I was thinking we should start a new contracting company. As brothers.
Paul Cho: Why? You call me lazy like 14 times a day.
Danny Cho: That's just tough love.

Naomi: Did you see the road rage thing on Nextdoor? ... Oh, my gosh, look at this. I mean, can you believe that? I can't understand what those people are so angry about.
Amy Lau: Ah, you know, I mean, most people don't understand that... anger is just a transitory state of consciousness.

Jordana: So tell me, is all of that true or made up?
George Nakai: I'm sorry, what?
Jordana: A good story drives the price, as we know.
George Nakai: I have photos of my mom sitting naked on the mold!
Jordana: Really? How much?

Danny Cho: Hey, man. When you're 40, 50, you're gonna wanna come home to your girl making kimchi jjigae.
Paul Cho: Maybe I want her to come home to me making chicken parm.
Danny Cho: What?!
Paul Cho: I want her to come home to me making her chicken parm!
Danny Cho: It's okay to mess around with white girls now, but when you settle down, listen to Mom and Dad, bring home a nice Korean girl, you know? You think they'll want their grandkids looking up at them with huge round eyes, like fucking bugs?

Paul Cho: Yo, you waste way too much time following arbitrary rules. Why you talking all weird? "I gotta build my business before I start a family." "I gotta listen to Mom and Dad and bring home a nice Korean girl." Bro, just... just live.

Amy Lau: You ever notice how it's only people who have money that think money isn't important? The Buddha is only the Buddha because he was a prince first, right? He had stuff to renounce.

Amy Lau: Now you listen to me, Daniel. I would love to let this go. .... But here's the thing. Actions have consequences. So I'm gonna find you and take what little you have.

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