Chapter Two 'Trust and Blood' (2009)
Chapter Three 'Building 26' (2009)

Matt: I want 'em to pay. For Daphne.
* Ando: Hiro, you were right. I should have never interrupted the course of destiny.
Hiro: No apologies, my friend... I realize why I was sent to India, and it wasn't to get my abilities back. It was to learn that I do not need powers to be a hero!

Sylar: Usually. Sometimes I disappoint myself. Always have an objective. Know your end game before you lift a hand.
Luke: What else?
Sylar: Keep a clear head. Emotions make you sloppy. The most important thing is that you understand your motivation. Always know what it is that you want.
* Luke Campbell: She hates me, you know.
Sylar: She can see it in you, Luke. What you can do.
Luke: No, she doesn't know about it.
Sylar: I'm not talking about the power. I'm talking about you. This is what scares them, what's in here. The will.
* Peter: Let's get one thing straight. Our lives as we knew them are over. We can't go back to anything that we knew.
Ando: Then what do we do?
Peter: We bring the fight to them, with everything we got. It won't be easy. Credit cards, bank accounts, they're gone. Homes are gonna be watched. Can't trust the phones. We gotta find a way to defend ourselves. We leave everything. We do what it takes to survive. Things we can't even imagine. Remember, they're gonna come for us. And when that day comes, we have to be ready.
* Abby Collins, Homeland Security: Are you telling me that you're keeping a prisoner here? Without warrant or Miranda rights?
Nathan: I'm gonna need to speak with the President directly.
Abby: Yeah, well, that's not gonna happen. I'm your new boss, and I want to see your prisoner now!
* Hiro to Ando: Go on, "hero". Save the day.
* Claire: Do you have a power? Like a special ability or something?
Alex: I can breathe underwater.
Claire: You mean like... like a fish?
Alex: Yeah.
* Claire: He's not been honest with you, mom. He's not a consultant. He's working for a secret program imprisoning people with powers.
Sandra Bennet: The Company?
Claire: No. No, the Company's gone. This is something else.
Sandra: Honey, are you sure? I mean, maybe...
Claire: I was there. I saw it. They were loading prisoners onto a transport plane. They had them all hooded. They were drugged. It was horrible.
Sandra: Oh, my God. It's starting all over again.
Claire: No, this is worse.
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