It's Coming (2008)

It starts with light and ends with light. And in between, there is darkness. Nothing there is beyond hope. Nothing that can be sworn impossible. Nothing left unimagined... Since Zeus, father of the Olympians, made night from midday... hiding the light of the shining sun and raining dark fear down upon men.
* Tracy: I can open doors.
Nathan Petrelli: I don't need any doors opened. I plan on kicking 'em down.
* Ando: Hiro, what are you thinking about?!
Hiro: Waffles...
* Sylar: You forgave yourself, Elle. We're all at war with ourselves. That's what it means to be human. The trick is figuring out how to be on the winning side.
* Arthur Petrelli: It's time I started acting like your father, Gabriel. That hunger you've got,it's not about killing, it's about power. You can take all the abilities you want without killing.
Sylar: How?
Arthur Petrelli: Empathy.
* Peter Petrelli: Look, this isn't your fight. I need you to stay...
Claire: Stay what?
Peter: Innocent.

Sylar: I wanna make it stop, Elle. But I'm not gonna kill you.
Elle: Please just do it.
Sylar: I'm sorry. I wanna be a good person. {...} You saved my life once, Elle. You gave me the will to live. Don't you see I owe you?
Elle: I only saved you so we could use you. Like a lab rat.
Sylar: You were just following orders. But I forgive you. Now you need to forgive yourself.
* Hiro: I did it!
Ando: Hiro, how is this going to help you remember? It's a comics book store.
Hiro: Correction, this is the source of all knowledge.
* Tracy to Arthur Petrelli: See... I believe that you have a P.R. problem. I pride myself on knowing how the tides turn. I know how the world works, and for your plan to succeed, you need a public face. {...} I think Nathan can be that face. The bad news, he's on the fence. The good news... I can push him over. You scratch my back, and I will make sure he lands on the right side.
* It's coming.
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