Changeling (2008)

* — The more you try to act sane, the crazier you start to look. If you smile too much, you're delusional or you're stifling hysteria. And if you don't smile, you're depressed. If you remain neutral, you're emotionally withdrawn, potentially catatonic.
* Christine Collins: Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
* Christine Collins: What happened?
Walter Collins: He hit me.
Christine Collins: Did you hit him back?
Walter Collins: (noddling)
Christine Collins: Good. Rule number one, remember? Never start a fight, always finish it. Why'd he hit you?
Walter Collins: Because I hit him.
* — Fuck them and the horse they rode in on.
Christine Collins: That's not exactly language for a lady.
— Hell. There are times that's exactly the right language to use.
* Rev. Gustav Briegleb: I understand you don't want to accept this.
Christine Collins: What mother would?
Rev. Gustav Briegleb: But I think it's time for you to move on and start over for yourself. Your son would want you to move on.
Christine Collins: Maybe. Maybe he'd want me to keep looking for him. Maybe he's somewhere waiting for me.
Rev. Gustav Briegleb: I believe he is waiting, ma'am. He's waiting in that place where we'll all go someday to be reunited with our loved ones. And on that day, he'll know from front to back, end to end, heart to soul, that you did everything you could, Mrs. Collins. Everything.
+ И снова великолепный Малкович. Уммм.
+ Конечно же, Анджелина.
+ Режиссура, видео- и звукоряд.
Imdb: 8.1/10 (~25,000 голосов по состоянию на 11/2/9).
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