10 июл. 2009 г.

Numb3rs 2x19

Dark Matter

Season 2, Episode 19

* Megan: Coincidence?
   Larry: Well, as a prominent cosmologist once said, "Coincidence is the last refuge of the uninspired".
   Megan: What cosmologist said that?

* Larry: Merely a very crude attempt at lending privacy. At the risk of sounding embarrassingly misguided, would you care to join me for dinner? Or a show, perhaps? Or maybe even some terpsichorean pleasure?
   Megan: I don't know what the third one means, but dinner sounds nice.

* Charlie: You got a date, huh? You don't seem too excited.
   Larry: Mine is an inner frenzy. Like some highly agitated molecular brew. I can't even settle on a restaurant.
   Charlie: Well, you know, Italian's always romantic.
   Larry: The kinetics of angel hair and red sauce, it's a bit too much of a challenge, I'm afraid. Plus, I think I prefer not to wear a bib.
   Charlie: I think you need to loosen up, you know? Free your molecules, and your ass will follow.
   Larry: Oh, yeah, well, sound advice.

* Larry: You know, in cosmology, when faced with logical inconsistencies, I like to fall back on an old chestnut: if you don't like the answer, ask a different question.

--- Словарик:
prominent — известный, выдающийся
uninspired невдохновлённый, невоодушевлённый; банальный
Merely — только, просто; единственно
embarrassingly — смущающий, затруднительный, стеснительный
inner — внутренний; духовный, интеллектуальный; интимный; тайный, сокровенный
frenzy — безумие, бешенство; неистовство;
agitated — взволнованный, возбуждённый; обеспокоенный
bib — детский нагрудник; верхняя часть фартука
loosen up — расслабиться
chestnut — (разг.) избитый анекдот; пошлый, банальный мотив; роман и т. п. на избитую тему

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