Season 2, Episode 11
* Megan: His second screen name is NanoTube?
Granger: Yeah. Sounds like a nerd porno star, huh?
Megan: Shows me where your head is at, Granger.
* Charlie: I know what it's like to be that kid. I wished that I was a normal college kid sometimes. Kind of tough when you're still in puberty.
Dad: Yeah, well, I'm sure there were plenty of kids who wished they were you.
Charlie: Uh, during midterms, certainly. At keg parties, absolutely not.
-- Словарик
Scorch — обжигать; подпаливать; ранить, больно задевать (чьи-л.) чувства; сжигать дотла; полностью уничтожать
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