8 июл. 2009 г.

Numb3rs 2x17

Mind Games

Season 2, Episode 17

* Don: Hey. So what do you think?
   Charlie: He knew about the murders. He has to be involved somehow.
   Don: Well, maybe.
   Charlie: Don. This psychic stuff. You cannot take it seriously, okay?
   Don: Charlie, can you prove to me there's nothing to it?
   Charlie: There is no scientific evidence for the existence of psychic ability, okay? None whatsoever.
   Don: Yeah?
   Charlie: It's make-believe. {...} It's an act, man. They're guessing, okay? They, they... Look. It's just like blindly throwing darts. Throw enough darts, you're gonna eventually hit a bull's-eye.
   Don: Yeah, but...
   Charlie: So look, that guy, he probably has such a deep desire to believe that he dismisses the misses and focuses on the hits. It's called optimistic bias.

* Larry: Listen, the FBI has used psychics before, as have other law enforcement agencies, whether they admit to it or not.
   Charlie: Thank you for destroying any confidence I had in public safety.
   Larry: What is your criteria for this categorical dismissal of parapsychological phenomena?
   Charlie: Reality.
   Larry: Oh, yes, reality. What would that be? Newtonian reality? Einsteinian reality? Quantum reality?

* Charlie: I must admit, he's really good at what he does. See, he throws out a few vague statements, but remember, it's your willingness to believe him that fills in those blanks.
   Larry: Now, there's an unscientific assumption.

* Megan: He failed.
   Charlie: You see that? How bad?
   Megan: 25 cards. He got them all wrong.
   Charlie: All of them?
   Larry: Well, the odds of getting them all wrong are the same as getting them all right. Must be...
   Charlie: One in 33.5 million. That man is playing with us.

--- Словарик:
bias — пристрастие, предубеждение, пристрастное отношение
psychic — медиум; экстрасенс; парапсихологические явления
vague — неопределённый, туманный, нечёткий, неясный; смутный

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