23 июл. 2009 г.


* Claire: If I told you I loved you, would it make any difference?
   Ray: If you told me or if I believed you?

* Ray: I love you. I think about you all the time. I think about you even when you're with me. I look at you, I can't stop looking at you. I look at you and I think, "That woman"... "That woman knows who I am and loves me anyway."

* Pam: The B&R Research and Development Unit in Westchester hasn't brought a major new product to market since 1997. In spite of that, we made it a surveillance priority.
   Number one, we graph the volume of traffic and the quality of vehicles in that parking lot. Number two, we track the stock portfolios and mortgage payments of everybody on site. And, number three, we monitor the frequency of lnternet shopping and pornography searches from inside that lab.
   Stocks are down, porn is up and there's plenty of free parking. There's nothing going on here.

* Ray: How much money do you think was spent on frozen pizza last year?
   Claire: What?
   Ray: Frozen pizza. How big is the market? $1 billion. One billion. That's just the pizza. I'm not talking enchiladas, blintzes, macaroni and cheese. Just pizza. Master plan, right?
   Objective one, huge market. Got it.
   Objective two, conflict, right? Find a market where the competitors hate each other so much, they'll do anything to win. We get involved, we lead the charge. When the price is right, we ditch. All we gotta do is find an angle.
   Maybe we flip sides, maybe we shop the intel, buy stock, sell it, whatever. There's a hundred ways to go.

* Claire: I can't breathe.
   Ray: You'll be okay.
   Claire: When?
   Ray: After we wake up in Rome.
   Claire: I might have to wake up in Rome for a long time.
   Ray: Sounds like a plan.

--- Словарик:
ditch — (разг.) бросать, оставлять (кого-л.); отделываться (от кого-л., чего-л.)

6.5/10 на Imdb (> 8,600 голосов по состоянию на 23/7/9).

~ 50 минута: Чё-то как-то не зацепило. В теории должно было быть живо и увлекательно. А на практике получилось, что ждал конца. И это несмотря на Clive Owen и Julia Roberts.
+ Не прошло и часа: реализация плана по пересылке формулы (привет планировщикам!) и финал окупают весь первый час. Да, и еще признание в любви. )
+ Paul Giamatti великолепен.

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