(or, Jeeves in the Country)
Season 2, Episode 4
Jeeves: Sir?
Wooster: After half an hour, one's lips get incredibly numb.
Jeeves: Might it be wiser not to persist with the instrument, sir?
Wooster: Oh, nonsense, Jeeves.
Jeeves: I am only concerned with your health, sir. The numbness of which you speak may be a symptom of some deeper malady* brought on by overexertion of the labial* and maxillary* muscles. My Uncle Ernest...
Wooster: Never mind your Uncle Ernest.
& Wooster: Well, let me tell you, Mr Mangelhoffer, that the man that hath no music in himself is fit for... Hang on a minute. What did Shakespeare say that the man that hadn't music in himself was fit for?
Jeeves: Treasons*, stratagems* and spoils*, sir.
& Wooster: Jeeves, you say, "that instrument" in an unpleasant, soupy* voice. Do you dislike the trombone?
Jeeves: It has been said, sir, that the trombone is not an instrument for a gentlemen. I rue* the day when you first saw Ben Bloom And His Sixteen Baltimore Buddies at the Alhambra Theatre.
& Jeeves: Your new man is here, sir. I have been explaining his duties to him.
Wooster: Excellent. Good. Erm, all right, is he, Jeeves?
Jeeves: I think you may be surprised, sir.
& Jeeves: Ah, here is your new man, sir.
Wooster: What ho, Brinkley. So, do you think we're going to get along?
Brinkley: I dunno yet.
& Wooster: I say, Jeeves.
Jeeves: Good afternoon, sir.
Wooster: Is, er... something amiss? The Chuffnells look like a French army who've just got to Moscow and discovered it's early-closing day.
Jeeves: The simile* is an apt one, sir.
& Chuffy: Ah, there you are, Jeeves. Ready for the off? I've nearly finished the letter. I've stuck more or less to what you suggested.
Jeeves: More or less, sir?
Chuffy: Well, some of it was a bit too... oh, l don't know... soppy*.
Jeeves: You'll pardon me for saying so, sir, but soppiness is at the very heart of the successful love letter. Without sufficient soppiness, the communication may be laid aside by the recipient to be read at some future date, together with the gas bills, sir.
Chuffy: All I left out was that bit about her name being twined round my heart like roses round a cottage door.
Jeeves: Oh, pity, sir. An old favourite perhaps, but it still has the capacity to move, given the appropriate march of events.
Chuffy: I just couldn't bring myself to it, Jeeves.
Jeeves: Very good, sir.
& Pauline: If it's my father, be careful.
Wooster: What do you mean be careful?
Pauline: No, it's all right. He probably won't have a gun. Go on!
& Wooster: Ow, Jeeves.
Jeeves: Your tea, sir.
Wooster: Oh, thank you, Jeeves. What sort of a day is it?
Jeeves: Warm, sir. A slight breeze from the southeast and some high cirrocumulus to the west.
-- Dict:
malady — болезнь; расстройство
labial — губной
maxillary — верхнечелюстной
Treasons — Изменнические действия
stratagems — хитрость; уловка
spoils — портить; баловать; грабить
soupy — плаксивый
rue — сожалеть; горевать
simile — сравнение
soppy — сентиментальный
cirrocumulus — перисто-кучевые облака
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