28 июл. 2022 г.

The Duke (2020)

PO Official 1: Any house with a television is required to have a licence. Our radar van detected a line output transformer signal from this address, coming from a cathode ray tube this time last week.
Jackie Bunton: We haven't got one of them. That's a telly. ...
PO Official 1: And do you have a licence?
Jackie Bunton: In what sense?
PO Official 2: In the sense of having one or not having one.

PO Official 1: Can we see your licence, sir?
Kempton Bunton: Don't need one. We only watch iTV, which is paid for by these.
Dorothy Bunton: This is a mistake. I can go to the post office in the morning.
Kempton Bunton: This is no mistake. It is a political act.

Kempton Bunton: Witness, I cannot receive the BBC. To the left, iTV. I've taken the band-one coil from the turret tuner... It is thus physically impossible for this set to receive a televisual signal from the British broadcasting corporation, and that negates the imperative on me to pay the licence fee.

Kempton Bunton: You know what's going off here, Jackie? Toffs, looking after their own. Spending our hard-earned money on a half-baked portrait by some Spanish drunk of a Duke who was a bastard to his men and who voted against universal suffrage.
Jackie Bunton: Against what?
Kempton Bunton: The vote. The Duke of Wellington didn't want you to have a say in how this country was run when he was prime minister.

Kempton Bunton: To change anything, you have to go to parliament.
Dorothy Bunton: You're wasting your life.
Kempton Bunton: How do you eat an elephant?
Dorothy Bunton: Who eats elephants?
Kempton Bunton: One bite at a time.

Kempton Bunton: You've never let me talk about it.
Dorothy Bunton: Grief's private.

Kempton Bunton: One problem. Two words. Mrs Dorothy Bunton.

Kempton Bunton: Well, can you get me off?
Jeremy Hutchinson: Mr Bunton... You returned the Goya by hand and confessed to the theft. You gave the police a detailed explanation of how you stole it and you've explained your motive. Can I get you off? Almost certainly not.

Jeremy Hutchinson: Do you know where you were born?
Kempton Bunton: The back bedroom.
Jeremy Hutchinson: Of your mother's house in Newcastle?
Kempton Bunton: Byker. If Newcastle was a dog, you lifted its tail, that hole there, that's Byker.

Kempton Bunton: The skipper was a milkman from Blyth, by all accounts, a bit of a bastard. Excuse my French. But, you know, as a milkman, I mean, but there's good and bad in all of us. He saved my life that day. Could have been anyone, but I knew someone would. I'm not me without you. Do you get me?
Jeremy Hutchinson: We all need each other?
Kempton Bunton: No, you are me. It's you that makes me me, and it's me that makes you you.
Jeremy Hutchinson: Humanity is a collective project.
Kempton Bunton: Look, on me own, I'm a single brick. A bit useless. What good's a brick on its tod? But you put a load of bricks together, you get a building. You build a building, you create a shadow. Already you've changed the world.

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