20 июл. 2022 г.

Sluga naroda #1.12

Servant of the People 1×12

Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine: Dad!
Petr Holoborodko: Not so loud. Why are you yelling?
Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine: Do you think it's okay to be an unlicensed taxi driver?
Petr Holoborodko: Am I stupid? A license costs money. Plus, if I work legally, they will cut my pension, fershtein?
Vasiliy Petrovich Goloborodko, president of Ukraine: I fershtein. Do you fershtein that it's illegal to evade taxes?
Petr Holoborodko: I don't pay taxes. All they do is steal your money.

On the IMDb

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