21 апр. 2009 г.

Heroes 3x24

Heroes Season 3 Episode 24

I'm Sylar Heroes* Sylar: That hurt.
<< 2 b continued... Huh? >>

* Mohinder: For every being cursed with self-awareness, there remains the unanswerable question: "Who am I?" We struggle to find meaningful connections to one another. We are the caring friend... The loving father... The doting mother... The protected child. We fight and we love in the hope that somehow, together, we can understand our significance in the universe. But in the end, no one can share our burden. Each of us alone must answer the question... "Who am I?" "What does it mean to be alive?" "And in the vast infinity of time, how do I matter?"

~ Ну так. Всё понятно. Лечим Сайлора. Тяжелое детство, деревянные игрушки.
* Gabriel's mom: You have a gift. You're special. You didn't need anybody to help you, and now you'll be a senator. I am so proud.
   Sylar: Stop it!
   Gabriel's mom: What's the matter? You know you're better than him. You know you're better than all of them!
   Sylar: I'm not better. I killed you.
   Gabriel's mom: It was an accident. You didn't mean to kill me.
   Sylar: It wasn't an accident. Don't you understand? I wanted you to die. The way you looked at me... like I was some kind of a monster. I felt so small. And then you came at me with those scissors. How can I be special? How can I be anything when I killed the only woman who ever loved me?

* Gabriel's mom: I forgive you, Gabriel.
   Sylar: I'm so sorry.
   Gabriel's mom: And now you can be anything you want. Be a senator... or maybe even... President of the United States.
~ Та-дам! Вот оно.

* Sylar in the shape of Nathan Petrelli: We need to shake up the power structure in Washington in order to bring real change to America, and I have a plan that will do just that. {...} I know a way to bring real purpose back to the White House, back to this country. And I promise you that when the President agrees to meet with me, when he agrees to shake my hand, real change will come to this country. And nothing... will ever be the same.


* Hiro: You think I'm like Superman?
   Ando: You're noble like Superman, believe in truth and justice like Superman. You're a little fascist like Superman.
   Hiro: I'm not a little fascist.
   Ando: You're a lot little fascist. You don't like me being a superhero. You're not the only one with a destiny, Hiro. I'm not your sidekick! This Batman can do it by himself!
   Hiro: Sorry, my friend.
Ando Heroes

* Ando: Maybe Matt Parkman is right. We don't really have a plan.
   Hiro: A hero never concedes defeat.

* Hiro: Just my size.

-- Словарик:
concede — уступать; допускать (возможность, правильность чего-л.); признать своё поражение (особ. на выборах); признать себя побеждённым, проигравшим (в спорте)
noble — (амер. сл.) ханжа, лицемер | благородный, великодушный; величавый, величественный; статный
sidekick — закадычный друг; кореш; сообщник, пособник; подельник
self-awareness — поглощённость собой; углублённость в себя
doting — слепо, безумно любящий

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