8 апр. 2009 г.

Heroes 3x22

Turn and Face the Strange

Heroes Season 3 Episode 22

Heroes Ando
* Hiro: Come on, baby Matt. Look at uncle Ando.
   Ando: I can't stay like this all the way to New York!
   Hiro: Sure you can!

* Angela: I never wanted you to see this. But I realize now that was a mistake. And to prepare for the future, you have to understand the past. You want the answers? Then you'll have to dig.

* Danko: Do you know how dangerous this is? This isn't a game. It's not about you finding some clever way to kill Noah Bennet.
   Sylar: I'm not gonna kill him. I'm gonna destroy him.

* Matt: I know you meant well, Hiro, but I didn't ask to be rescued.
   Hiro: Dr. Suresh told us about your plan. It is one thing to defend yourself. But a true warrior knows the difference between a righteous battle and--
   Matt: What, retribution? See, that's where you're wrong. It's the only thing that the other side understands.
   Hiro: But that is why we are better than them.

* Mohinder Suresh: It is our nature to protect our children. For each generation to pass on their cautionary tales to the next.
   So it is with the myth of Icarus, the legend of a boy who fashioned wings from feathers and wax, daring to fly into the heavens. His father was fearful and warned Icarus to be careful. Begging him not to tempt fate by flying too close to the sun. But in the end, the boy couldn't resist. His waxen wings melted from the sun's rays. And he plunged... to his death.

* Hiro: Close one.Heroes Hiro

-- Словарик:
retribution — возмездие, кара, воздаяние
cautionary — предостерегающий; предупреждающий, предупредительный
plunged — (to, into) круто опускаться, спускаться

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