16 апр. 2009 г.

Heroes 3x23

Heroes Season 3 Episode 23


Noah Mohinder Heroes* Noah: I met your father. He was a good man. You don't know what he did, what he faced. What his intentions were.
   Mohinder: Who are we talking about?
   Noah: Just... don't make any assumptions. Not until you know the truth.

* Peter: I know you. You're a good person.
   Mohinder: Good intentions only go so far, Peter. I am weak. I'm corruptible. And I am selfish.

* Claire: Okay, please someone say something.
   Angela Petrelli: How are the fries?

* Peter: Look, this isn't a company. This is a family. There's a big difference. Families have the capacity for forgiveness.

-- Словарик:
selfish — эгоистичный, эгоистический, себялюбивый

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