26 янв. 2009 г.

Heroes 3x08

Villains (2008)

Linderman Petrelli* A child is born to innocence. A child is drawn towards good. Why, then, do so many among us go so horribly wrong? What makes some walk a path of darkness,while others choose the light? Is it will? Is it destiny? Can we ever hope to understand the force that shapes the soul?

* Usutu: To fight evil, one must know evil.

* Daniel Linderman: So what do we do?
   Arthur Petrelli: Read your Shakespeare. When the son challenges the father, only one is left standing.

* — Good work, Meredith. You were born for this.
   Meredith: Yeah, so that's it? I'm an agent now?
   — Not quite. Getting scum off the street,that's the easy part. The real test is loyalty. You're not gonna always agree with the decisions the company makes, but when you prove you can follow orders no questions asked, that's when we'll call you "agent Gordon".

* Noah Bennet: We have orders, Elle. You don't follow orders, you're not an agent. You're not an agent, you're on your own.

* Daniel Linderman: Do you want to live in blind obedience? Or do you want to know the truth?
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