22 янв. 2009 г.

Heroes 3x06

Dying of the Light (2008)

Heroes Adam Monroe evanescence* Nathan Petrelli: In every journey, the traveler must ask, "was the right path taken?" Many roads are long and winding... Filled with those who have lost their way. Some forge their own course, guided by faith, seeking not a location, but a kindred soul. Others step together, finding safety in the arms of another. A few remove themselves from the trail to avoid the path of temptation. But those who watch the track too closely fail to see where it led them. And they're often all too surprised by their destination.

* Mohinder: Maya was right. I am a monster.
   Tracy Strauss: Maybe we all are.

* Arthur Petrelli: Feels good to breathe again.
~ Ну они там и монстры. =8-о А вот еще один:

* Eric Doyle: That was fun, huh?
   Claire: Show is over!

* Daphne: If you can read my thoughts, then you know that I don't know if I
can trust you either.
   Matt Parkman: Forget your thoughts. What is your heart telling you to do?
   Daphne: The same as it always does: Keep moving too fast to get caught.

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