26 июн. 2009 г.

Numb3rs 2x07


Season 2, Episode 7

* Larry: Well, wisdom and genius - rarely present in equal abundance.

* Don: What are you talking about?
   Charlie: Calendars aren't based on easily divisible factors. Okay? You know, they originally tried to make them like that. 360 days divides quite evenly. But it doesn't match with what you see in the night sky. So ancient calendars would add an extra month every eight years or tack on five extra days.

* Larry: What are you working on?
   Charlie: A unified theory of the neural network in higher cognitive functions. The math of the brain.
   Amita: I'd better stick to it, too.
   Charlie: It might take me a while... say, several decades.
   Larry: Yeah, what is it they say? "The journey is more important than the destination?"
   Charlie: So true.

* Larry: You're doing a jigsaw puzzle.
   Dad: Oh, yeah, it's 5,000 pieces. So, what do you say you skip the seminar and we lower to pizza?
   Amita: I love jigsaw puzzles.
   Larry: And I love pizza...

-- Словарик
abundance — изобилие, избыток; множество
Convergence — (мат.) сходимость
evenly — поровну; равномерно; гладко, ровно

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